Page 5 of Spellbound Souls

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I'm surrounded, outnumbered, and facing creatures I've never encountered before. But I'm not worried. I'm thrilled.

"Let's dance," I grin, my eyes gleaming with excitement.

The three-headed beast lunges first. I sidestep its attack, my hands weaving complex patterns in the air. A shimmering barrier springs up between us, and the creature slams into it with a yelp of surprise.

The bark-worgs are next, circling me warily. I focus my will, drawing on the chaotic magic of this place. The ground beneath their feet suddenly turns to quicksand, trapping them in place.

The serpent strikes from behind, but I'm ready. I spin, catching it mid-lunge with a blast of freezing energy. It falls to the ground, encased in a shell of ice.

The translucent likar charges, its glowing bones pulsing faster with each step. I reach out with my magic, feeling for the currents of energy flowing through its body. With a twist of my will, I reverse the flow. The creature stumbles, its own magic turning against it.

But the three-headed beast isn't done. It shakes off its daze and leaps, electricity arcing from its fur. I drop to the ground, rolling beneath its attack. As I come up, I release a burst of pure magical force that sends it flying back into the trees.

Panting, I survey the scene. The creatures are subdued but not defeated. I could finish them off, but that's not why I'm here. Instead, I reach out with my magic, probing the strange energies that have warped these beasts.

It's complex, a weave of natural magic and something... else. Something darker, more primal. I can feel it trying to resist my touch, but I push harder, unraveling its secrets.

With a surge of will, I purge the corrupting influence from the creatures. The effect is immediate. The extra heads on the feline beast wither and fall away. The bark-worgs' wooden skin softens back into fur. The serpent's scales settle into a single, iridescent hue. The likar's flesh becomes opaque once more, its bones no longer glowing.

The beasts shake themselves, as if waking from a long dream. They regard me with wary curiosity now, rather than hunger. I lower my defenses, showing them I mean no harm.

"There," I say softly, "that's better, isn't it?"

I take a moment to catch my breath, still marveling at the strange creatures I've encountered. As they slink back into the shadows of the forest, I feel the pull that brought me here reassert itself. It's stronger now, more insistent.

"Right," I mutter, orienting myself. "Time to find out what's calling me."

I close my eyes, focusing on the magical current. It tugs at me, urging me deeper into the continent. With a deep breath, I set off, pushing through the dense underbrush.

The forest seems to grow thicker as I travel, the trees pressing in closer, their branches intertwining overhead to block out most of the light. The air grows heavy, thick with the scent of decay and something... else. Something that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I press on, following the pull. It leads me over rushing streams and up steep inclines. I encounter more twisted creatures along the way, but none as aggressive as the first group. They watch me warily from the shadows, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light.

As I travel, the corruption in the magical energy grows stronger. It's like a sickness in the land, spreading its tendrils through the soil and air. I can taste it on my tongue, bitter and acrid.

"What could be causing this?" I wonder aloud, my voice swallowed by the oppressive silence of the forest.

After what feels like hours of travel, I crest a hill and pause. Below me, nestled in a deep valley, I see lights. Not the soft glow of natural bioluminescence, but the harsh flicker of torches and magical illumination. The pull leads directly to this place.

As I draw closer, I begin to make out structures - a sprawling complex of tents, makeshift buildings, and winding alleyways. The magical corruption is strongest here, pulsing like a festering wound.

I hear voices now - a cacophony of different languages and dialects. The air is thick with the scent of unwashed bodies, exotic spices, and something metallic that might be blood.

It looks like a market. Looks like it's time for me to go see some wares.



Ibite my lip, fighting back tears as I adjust the collar on a young woman's neck. Her eyes, wide with fear, meet mine for a brief moment. I want to tell her it'll be okay, but we both know that's a lie.

"Don't look them in the eye," I mutter, giving her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "They don't like 'em proud."

The auction block looms before us, a raised wooden platform where dreams go to die. I've been here countless times, but it never gets easier. The stench of sweat and despair hangs thick in the air, mingling with the acrid smoke from torches lining the walls.

"Next up, a fine specimen from the Orthani!" The auctioneer's booming voice makes me flinch. "Young, strong, and ready for hard labor!"

I guide the trembling woman forward, my hand on the small of her back. She stumbles slightly, and I catch her elbow. "Easy now," I whisper. "Deep breaths."

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