Page 20 of Spellbound Souls

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I nod, unable to tear my gaze from him. "I know. It's just... are you leaving?"

His eyes narrow. "You're worried about being apart?"

Heat rushes to my cheeks. "I mean, you're the only one who understands what's happening to me. These powers, this... connection we have."

A smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. "Is that all?"

I want to smack that smug look off his face, but instead, I find myself moving closer. "You're infuriating, you know that?"

"And yet, here you are." His hand cups my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Here I am," I whisper. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I don't want to leave him. This demon who kidnapped me, bound me to him, and then... showed me a world I never knew existed. Both literally and figuratively.

I bite my lip. "So, what now? Are you just going to... jump in?"

Kairos frowns, his silver eyes narrowing. "It's not that simple, little one. We don't know what's on the other side."

"But isn't that the whole point?" I challenge, crossing my arms. "To explore, to find new worlds?"

He sighs, running a hand through his ethereal white hair. "Yes, but we must be cautious. This portal could lead anywhere—to paradise or peril."

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Oh, now you're worried about danger? Mister 'I'll kidnap a human and drag her across the continent'?"

"That was different," he growls, stepping closer. "I knew the risks then."

My heart races at his proximity, but I stand my ground. "And you don't now? The great demon, afraid of the unknown?"

His eyes flash dangerously. "I'm not afraid. I'm being pragmatic."

"Pragmatic?" I scoff. "Then why am I still here, Kairos? You don't need me anymore. You found your portal."

He stiffens, and I know I've hit a nerve. "You're still bound to me," he says, but his voice lacks conviction.

"Please," I snort. "We both know you could break that binding in a heartbeat if you wanted to."

Kairos's jaw clenches, and for a moment, I think he might lash out. Instead, he turns away. "I need your magic," he mutters, and I don't believe him.

"You don't want to leave me behind," I press, my voice softer now. "Admit it."

He whirls back, his eyes blazing. "And what if I don't? What then, little one? You think you're ready for what's out there?"

I step closer, my breath catching as I look up at him. "I think I'm ready for anything, as long as?—"

I stop myself, but it's too late. Kairos's expression shifts, a mix of triumph and something else—something almost tender.

"As long as what?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous.

I open my mouth to respond, but the words die in my throat as the ground beneath us shudders. A deep rumble echoes through the cavern, and my heart leaps into my throat.

"Kairos—" I start, but he's already on high alert, his silver eyes darting around the chamber.

The tremor intensifies, and loose rocks clatter down from the ceiling. I stumble, grabbing Kairos's arm to steady myself.

"The volcano," Kairos growls, his voice tight with tension. "It's awakening."

Another violent shake sends me sprawling to the ground. The cave floor cracks beneath us, and a wave of searing heat rushes up from the fissures. I scramble to my feet, choking on the acrid smell of sulfur.

"We need to get out of here!" I shout over the deafening roar of the mountain.

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