Page 11 of Spellbound Souls

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Kairos stumbles, just for a moment, and I feel a surge of triumph. But then his hand comes down on my ass with a resounding smack. I yelp, more from surprise than pain.

"That's enough," he snarls. "Keep it up, and I'll bind your hands too."

I go limp, seething. The glowing runes on my arm pulse in time with my racing heart. I'm trapped, truly trapped, and the realization makes me want to cry. But I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, hating how small my voice sounds.

"To find the reason I was called down here."

I snort. "Right. Because I'm supposed to trust the demon who just kidnapped me."

His shoulder shifts beneath me as he shrugs. "Trust me or don't. It doesn't change the fact that you're coming with me."

I close my eyes, fighting back tears of frustration. The forest moves beneath us as Kairos strides onward, carrying me to who knows where. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.



After hours of walking, I set Naia down on the forest floor, her small frame tense with anger. I'll almost miss having her pressed against me, that perky ass in my peripheral. She glares at me, green eyes flashing with defiance. I ignore her seething silence and survey our surroundings.

Towering trees loom overhead, their gnarled branches reaching for the darkening sky. The air hangs heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation. Shadows lengthen, transforming familiar shapes into menacing silhouettes.

"We'll camp here for the night," I declare, my voice leaving no room for argument.

I raise my hands, silver eyes gleaming as I channel my power. Blue runes ignite across my obsidian skin, pulsing with arcane energy. The air shimmers as I weave a complex lattice of protective wards around our makeshift campsite.

Glowing sigils materialize in the air, etching themselves into tree trunks and floating above the forest floor. Each symbol pulses with a different hue – crimson for danger detection, azure for sound dampening, emerald for visual distortion. The spells interlock, forming an impenetrable dome of magical energy.

"That should keep out any unwanted visitors," I mutter, satisfied with my handiwork.

I turn to face my reluctant companion, who's huddled against a moss-covered log, watching me warily. I remember her words from earlier, and I try to lessen her anger.

"You got a name, little one?" I ask, my tone softer than before.

Her jaw clenches, eyes narrowing. For a moment, I think she won't answer.

"Naia," she finally snarls, spitting out the word like she hopes it'll burn me.

I nod, studying her. The magical energy I sensed earlier still pulses beneath her skin, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

"Well, Naia," I say, crouching down to her level. "Like it or not, we're stuck with each other for now. So, why don't you just calm down."

"No," she snaps like the petulant child she told me not to compare her to.

I can't help but chuckle at Naia's fiery outburst. Her spirit's as wild as her curly black hair, and I find myself oddly drawn to it.

"You can't just force me to do what you want!" she snaps, her green eyes blazing with defiance.

I take a step closer, towering over her petite frame. The air between us crackles with tension, and I notice her breath catch as I invade her personal space.

"Can't I, little one?" I croon, my voice low and husky. "I saved you from a fate worse than death back there. I think that earns me some... latitude."

I reach out, trailing a finger along her jawline. She flinches but doesn't pull away, her skin warm beneath my touch. I've noticed the way her eyes scraped along my body, not to mention the way that my skin zaps every time we touch.

It has to mean something.

"I can do whatever I want," I continue, leaning in close enough to feel her quickened breath on my face. "Whatever. I. Want."

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