Page 63 of How I Love You

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But as much as I wanted to stay wrapped up in this moment, reality came crashing back down when I remembered where we were, what my momma had said about the front page, and that I was due at work soon.

With a soft groan, I forced myself to pull back, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. “Tuck...”

His forehead rested against mine just like he’d done in the corn maze, and just like that night, the gesture was so sweet and simple it had my heart squeezing. His breath came just as fast as mine, and when he opened his eyes, the intensity in them sent another shiver down my spine.

“Yeah?” His voice was low, rough around more than just the edges.

I swallowed hard. “I, uh... I have to get to work.”

He exhaled, a slow, almost reluctant smile spreading across his face as he straightened up, his hand still lingering on my waist. “Of course you do. Scrubs. Right.”

Grinning, I brushed his hand away and straightened my work uniform. “Just now noticed them, huh?”

“I’ve been distracted.” He chuckled, finally stepping back, though the way his eyes lingered on me made it clear that his words from the corn maze were true once again: this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

I sipped my coffee, trying to collect myself.

“While you’re saving lives,” he said as he backed toward the porch steps, “Colt and I will keep digging into Syd.”

“Good plan,” I said, still trying to shake off the fog of that kiss. “I’ll catch up with y’all at the B&B later?”

“Actually...” Tucker hesitated for a second, running a hand through his hair. “Austin wants to go to the haunted house tonight. The one they set up at the old elementary school?”

I wrinkled my nose, the thought of a haunted house sending a shiver down my spine—but not the good kind. “Yeah, no thanks. Haunted houses arenotmy thing.”

“You know it’s not actually haunted, right?”

“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…”

Tucker grinned, that mischievous glint back in his eyes as he stepped toward me again, just close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating off him. “What’d I tell you? You’re safe with me, remember?”

His voice was low, teasing, but there was something else there, too—something like a promise, and it made my heart skip a beat all over again. And as he winked at me, flashing that grin that made it impossible to say no, I felt a familiar flutter in my chest.

Haunted houses really weren’t my thing... but if Tucker was there with me? Maybe they could be.

Oh, who was I kidding? This was a terrible idea.



The haunted house looked exactly like what I’d expected from a small-town setup in an old elementary school: low-budget, homemade, and about as terrifying as a cardboard cutout of Dracula. I stood outside in the long line, arms crossed, as a group of teenagers ran ahead of us and cut the line, letting out exaggerated screams before they even got inside.

The building itself was actually pretty perfect for this. It had probably been built more than a century ago and had definitely seen better days. The old bricks were chipped, the windows were clouded with grime, and a couple of plastic skeletons dangled haphazardly from the gutters in a way that made me a little unsure if they were put up for the event or had been there for ages.

Over the double doors that led inside, a sign, hand-painted in dripping red letters, readBeware: Haunted Schoolhouse. The handwriting was done in a way that probably would’ve been creepy to a kindergartner. But to me? It looked more like someone’s Halloween art project gone wrong.

I cast a final, skeptical glance at the building before leaning down to Dakota. “Are they serious? This is like being threatened by a damp paper towel.”

Phoebe and Austin were in line ahead of us, whispering to each other. She was all smiles, while Austin tried to act cooler than he felt, glancing around like he wasn’t sure whether to be unimpressed or nervous.

“I dunno, this place seems like it’s got real haunted house potential,” Dakota muttered, clearly trying to psych herself up.

I shook my head, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth. “Yeah, maybe if the ghosts in here are afraid of being bored to death.”

She chuckled softly, clearly trying to keep her nerves in check. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, and she kept glancing at the fake werewolf by the entrance like it might come alive and bite her.

It was endearing, really—how someone who seemed so bold and fearless in her day-to-day life was rattled by the thought of a haunted house that could barely scare a toddler.

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