Page 50 of How I Love You

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“Well, they’re really brothers in the Marine way,” Georgia said.

Tucker leaned over to me, whispering right against my ear, “This is how the whole dinner will be, isn’t it?”

I ignored the goosebumps that crept along my neck and angled my face so he could see my confusion.

“Growing up,” he went on, just as close as before, “I ate by myself in front of the TV. Austin did the same.”

He leaned away, apparently not planning to say more.

I watched as he tried to follow the ping pong match of conversation. He didn’t seem to be judging us, or calling it a bad thing. The chatter that swirled around us—not even pausing during that private interlude—was just… foreign. Like visiting another planet, if the look in his eye was anything to go by.

I bet it wasn’t much different for him now, either. He kept to himself so much that if he weren’t eating with Austin or Colton, I’d bet my last dollar he still ate dinner in front of the TV alone. Shoot, maybe they watched TV while they ate together, too.

But in this house? Half the meal was the conversation, and by the time someone left this table, they were full on both.

“He’s real cute, darlin’,” Georgia whispered to me from my other side.

I gave her the universal signal to hush, but I couldn’t help mouthing my agreement before turning back to the conversation.

Judd was busy filling Tucker in on his time in the Marines, as well as the tradition he had with his boys where he encouraged each of them to do at least one enlistment in the branch of their choice.

“And it’s a good thing you gave them that choice instead of makin’ them be a Marine like you,” Momma said.

“No one can make anyone become a Marine,” Judd replied with a short laugh.

“Oh, you know what I mean.” Momma waved him off and turned to Tucker. “Jackson—Phoebe’s daddy—was bandaging up the rest of the kids from the time he could walk. Grew up to make a fine medic in the Navy, and now he’s a paramedic here in town.”

“He and my mom both are,” Phoebe said proudly.

“That’s really cool,” Austin told her, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from squealing when a faint blush colored her cheeks.

As covertly as possible, I pulled out my phone and navigated to the group chat I had with my sisters.


Laney: You kissed the PI guy?

Aubree: Not a good idea, Kota.

Me: I think Phoebe’s got her first crush!

Laney: On the PI guy?!

Aubree: DEFINITELY not a good idea.

Me: OMG, girls. Stop. On his little bro.

Laney: Cute!! Wait, why are they even together?

Me: Long story short, Tucker and Austin are at the house for supper. Wish us all luck.

Aubree: Should I say it again?

Laney: Oh, boo, Aubs.

Me: Why does she keep saying that?

“Dakota Jolene,” Momma warned, and I instantly tucked my phone under my thigh and smiled innocently over at her. “Are you textin’ at my table?”

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