Page 15 of How I Love You

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“Yep, looks like you do,” she said. “We’re on the same team here, so you might as well be nice to me.”

“I just solved your chocolate problem. That was nice. But I have no idea why you think we’re on a team.”

“Hello? We both wanna know who shot you outside my friend’s house. Wait, I take it back. You still haven’t told me why you were snoopin’ around her house in the first place, so we can’t be on a team until you do. Full transparency is key between teammates.”

“We’re not teammates. You’re a nosy friend, and I’m here to do a job. I’m not telling you anything because it’s none of your business, friend or not.”

“We’ll circle back to the job thing in a sec, but one thing you should know about this town is that everyone’s business is everyone’s business.”


“Did you tell Adam what you were doin’ at Hope’s last night?”

“He did,” Officer Wilson said as he walked in, leveling Dakota with a stern look. “And he’s right, Dakota Jolene. None of this is any of your business, and it’s no one else’s business either.”

The man hadn’t even spared a glance at the teen boy and his former Marine buddy seated at the table in the corner. He only had eyes for Dakota, and that had my teeth grinding so hard I thought I might crack one.

Just as Dakota opened her mouth to reply to the man she was clearly in some kind of relationship with, Colt pushed back from the table, snagging the officer’s attention.

Wilson’s stern expression softened the second Colt pushed back from the table. His sharp eyes flicked over, and for a moment, I saw surprise flash across his face. But then it was like the guy switched gears. His shoulders relaxed, and that rigid cop stance he’d held in front of Dakota melted away.

“Hey, man. Long time.”

My friend’s easygoing tone broke through the tension, and Wilson responded in kind, his grin wide and genuine. “Wow. How’ve you been?”

Colton gave a half-smile, shrugging casually. “Great, man, thanks. Living the dream. You?”

“Couldn’t be better. Just got engaged,” Wilson replied, his face lighting up like he’d been waiting for an excuse to share the news with someone who’d appreciate it.

My eyes flashed down to Dakota’s left hand automatically, and I hated the twinge of relief I felt at the sight of her bare ring finger. My gaze lingered a second too long, and I cursed myself for even caring.

What did it matter if she was single or not? I had no business thinking about her like that. Not when there was a job to do, and certainly not when every second spent getting wrapped up in her smile or her laugh was a second I wasn’t focused on keeping us all safe.

“Congrats,” Colt said. “Who’s the lucky lady?”

“Paisley Stevens,” Wilson said, beaming. “She’s a dispatcher here, and we’ve been together for about half a year now. Figured it was time to make it official.”

“Oh, that long?” I muttered.

Wilson cocked a brow. “Known each other a long longer than that, not that it’s any of your business.”

Colt gave an approving nod, his easy smile never wavering despite that bit of tension I caused. “Good for you, man.”

“Thanks,” Wilson replied with a chuckle. “She keeps me on my toes.” Then, his gaze shifted back to me before turning to my friend again. “So, you’re here with our gunshot vic, huh?”

Colt shrugged. “We work together. He’s alright.”

I glared at him.

“You,” Wilson said, turning back to Dakota. “Get on out of here so we can talk.”

Dakota lifted her chin. “Or what?”

“Or I’ll call your momma.”

Dakota’s nostrils flared, and for a moment, I thought she might argue. Her chin lifted a little higher, defiance flashing in her eyes. But then she gave a sharp, frustrated exhale. "Fine," she muttered, throwing her hands up as she spun on her heel. Her boots echoed on the tile as she stormed out, tossing a final glare over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.

Wilson’s gaze landed on Austin next. “You want the kid here for this?”

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