Page 12 of How I Love You

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“You’re fine,” she said with a chuckle.

“As are you,” Colton said, and oh-my-lanta. Hope’s blush was the same color as her auburn hair.

We would definitely be having ourselves a little chat about this later.

“Fine,” Tucker said through clenched teeth. “It’s your house, and I can’t make you leave it. Butyoushouldn’t stay there.”

That last part was directed at me, and I balked. “Uh, what exactly makes you think you can dictate where I lay my head at night?”

“Does your close friend Officer Wilson know you slept a few feet away from a crime scene last night? Because if he’s close enough to dictate where you lay your head at night, I have a feeling he wouldn’t approve.”

Hope and I exchanged mirroring looks of confusion. Did he think Adam and I were a thing? Is that why there was a vein in his forehead threatening to burst? Well, well. Protective with a jealous streak. Only a one out of five on the red flag scale, right?

“I don’t know, I’ll ask him when we go see him with Colton. You ready?” I asked.

Colton wordlessly asked Tucker what he should do, hinting that Tucker ran whatever show these two were starring in. Though, that wasn’t surprising given how bossy he was.

“What’s it gonna take for you to stay out of this?” Tucker asked, looking more than a little worn out.

“Answers,” I said as Hope nodded beside me.

“Tuck,” Austin whispered, jerking his chin over his shoulder when Tucker’s attention swung to him.

I tried to see what he was gesturing to, but Tucker’s large frame blocked my view.

Colton, however, must have seen whatever it was. His eyes went wide, and he stepped closer to us. Closer to Hope since she was closest to him, but there was no mistaking the protectiveness switch that’d flicked on for both of these men.

“Would Adam be at the police station right now?” Colton asked.

Hope nodded, checking her watch. “Yeah, he’s probably in the briefin’ room. I need to head that way for my shift anyway.”

I figured this was the part where I’d have to calmly explain to Tucker that not only would I be walking my friend to work, but I also wanted to talk to Adam, and there wasn’t a dang thing he could do to stop me.

But, apparently, that wouldn’t be necessary. Tucker stepped to the side, holding out an arm for us to pass. “Lead the way.”



“What’s he doing here?” I hissed to Colton as we followed our target and the wild card to the police station.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it. And look,” Colt said, holding out his phone. “He saw us see him.”

I read the text from our client, snorting when I met his gaze again. “Is he serious? Since when does a client fly halfway around the world just to check in?”

Especially considering we’d been on countless zoom calls with Anthony Barto in the last few weeks while we were gathering info for this case. Not once had he mentioned flying out to the States. In fact, we’d been looking forward to flying to his villa in Italy when this was all over so we could hand-deliver his treasure.

“Not sure I like the idea of him hanging over our shoulders while we get this done. It’s as supposed to be an in-and-out job,” Colt mused.

“Until I got shot,” I muttered. “Definitely didn’t see that one coming. Did you tell Barto?”

“No, you?”


“Hey, when you called the nurse the wild card, does that mean you think she’s somehow involved in all this?”

I frowned, glancing at Dakota as she and Hope walked ahead, chatting Austin’s ear off.

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