Page 9 of Single Orc Daddy

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"Oh hell no," he jokes. "I'd rather see you in the pretty dress."

We continue talking, laughing, all while watching our kids in our peripheral vision. Time flies by whenever I'm with him. Minutes feel like seconds, and I hardly want to go home by the time we're done.

I've been so worried about getting too close, about letting my guard down. But after watching Rendal with Penelope, seeinghow naturally he fits into our lives, I feel those doubts start to melt away.

Rendal's expression softens as we watch our daughters together. "She's a great kid, Chloe. You've done an incredible job with her."

His words touch something deep inside me. I've always been so focused on being everything Penelope needs, I never realized how much I needed someone to see and appreciate that effort.

As we stand there, watching our daughters play, I feel a shift. The walls I've built up, the fears I've held onto—they're starting to crumble. Maybe, just maybe, it's okay to let Rendal in. Maybe it's okay to want more than just playdates and casual conversations.



Isit on the couch, watching Zola play with her favorite stuffed animals. She's creating an elaborate tea party, complete with imaginary cakes and tiny cups. A smile tugs at my lips as I observe her infectious joy.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, expecting to see Chloe's name on the screen. My heart drops when I see who's actually calling. Valeria.

"Zola, sweetheart, Daddy needs to take a call. I'll be right back, okay?"

She nods, barely looking up from her toys. I step into the hallway, taking a deep breath before answering.

"Hello, Valeria."

"Rendal." Her voice is sharp, cutting through the line. "How's Zola?"

"She's fine. What do you want?"

"I want to see her. It's been months."

My jaw clenches. "We've been over this. You made your choice when you left."

"I just want to see how she's doing," Valeria says, her tone dripping with accusation. "I have a right to know."

"You gave up that right," I growl, struggling to keep my voice low. "Zola's happy and settled. We don't need you disrupting that."

"Are you saying I can't visit my own daughter?"

The anger bubbling in my chest threatens to spill over. I take another deep breath, forcing myself to stay calm. "Valeria, this isn't the time or place for this discussion. If you want to talk about visitation, we can do it through our lawyers."

"You can't keep her from me forever, Rendal."

"I'm not discussing this now. Goodbye."

I end the call, my hand shaking slightly as I lower the phone. Fuck. This is the last thing I need right now. Just when things are going so well with Chloe and Penelope, Valeria decides to throw a wrench into everything.

I lean against the wall, closing my eyes for a moment. The thought of Valeria barging back into our lives, disrupting the peace and happiness we've found, makes my stomach churn. I won't let her do that to Zola. I can't.

I take a moment to compose myself before heading back to the living room. Zola's still engrossed in her tea party, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing just beyond her little world. I watch her, my heart swelling with love and protectiveness.

Valeria's call has reopened old wounds I thought had long since healed. The memory of our marriage's collapse floods back, bringing with it a tidal wave of emotions I've tried so hard to keep at bay.

I remember the fights, the accusations, the nights spent sleeping on the couch. Valeria's increasing dissatisfaction with our life, her restlessness, her eventual decision to leave. The day she walked out, leaving behind a confused and heartbroken Zola, is etched into my memory like a scar.

Since then, I've poured everything into creating a stable, loving home for Zola. I've worked tirelessly to build a life where she feels secure and happy. And now, just when things are looking up, when I've found someone who brings light back into our lives, Valeria threatens to upend it all.

The thought of her barging back in, disrupting the delicate balance we've achieved, makes my stomach churn. What if she tries to take Zola away? What if she poisons our daughter against me? What if she ruins what Chloe and I are building?

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