Page 7 of Single Orc Daddy

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"I might just take you up on that offer," I say, my voice a little lower than before.

Our eyes lock, and for a moment, the world around us fades away. There's a tension in the air, thick and electric. I want to reach out and touch her, to pull her close and?—

"Daddy! Watch me!" Zola's voice breaks the spell.

I turn to see my daughter attempting to do a handstand in the water. "I'm watching, sweetheart," I call out, forcing myself to focus on Zola and not on the woman beside me. "And don't drown, please!"

"Zola!" Penelope giggles, splashing water onto Zola as her headstand stumbles, causing her to flail briefly in the water. "You're so funny!"

My attention returns to the beauty beside me. Damn, it's hard to ignore the way Chloe's simple dress clings to her curves, or how her long hair falls over her shoulders. I want her, and I'm pretty sure she wants me too. But for now, we're here for our kids. The rest... well, that'll have to wait.

Our daughters come first. And Chloe might be the only woman I know who could understand that sentiment just as well as I do.



Getting attached to Rendal might be a mistake. But why does it feel so good to be around him? Why do I find myself thinking about him so much, especially during the days when we don't see each other?

I'm humming to myself as I get ready for the day, applying a light touch of makeup and choosing a cute sundress. It's become a habit, putting in a little extra effort whenever I know I'll be seeing Rendal. Not that I'd admit it to anyone, but there's something about that orc that makes me want to look my best.

My phone buzzes on the dresser, and my heart does a little flip when I see Rendal's name pop up. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as I reach for it.

"Got a text from your boyfriend?" Penelope asks, peeking her head into my room with a cheeky grin.

"He's not my boyfriend, sweetie," I say, trying to keep my voice casual. "And shouldn't you be getting ready for school?"

She giggles and runs off, leaving me to check the message in peace. But as I read it, my smile fades.

"Hey Chloe, sorry for the short notice. Something came up at work, and I need to reschedule our playdate. Rain check?"

I feel a pang of disappointment in my chest. It's silly, really. We're just friends arranging playdates for our kids. But the thought of not seeing Rendal today leaves me feeling deflated.

I type out a quick reply, aiming for a breezy tone."No problem! Work comes first. Let me know when you're free next."

Tossing my phone onto the bed, I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. The cute sundress suddenly feels like overkill for a regular day at the kindergarten. I consider changing, but Penelope's voice calls out from downstairs, reminding me we're running late.

As I grab my things and head out, I can't shake off the lingering disappointment. It's just one playdate, I tell myself. But deep down, I know it's more than that. It's the missed opportunity to see Rendal's smile, to hear his deep laugh, to feel that spark of connection that seems to grow stronger every time we meet.

I feel like I'm going crazy. What am I even doing? I'm not entitled to his time. We're not in a relationship… sort of. We're just two single parents with daughters who love spending time together.

Nothing complicated, right? Nope! Not here!

Soon enough, Rendal is already throwing out days for our next potential playdate. His initiative makes me smile to myself, grateful that he's so willing to include Penelope and I into his and Zola's life, even when he doesn't have to.

But we're not a couple. Get that through your head.

Still, it's hard not to count down the days until I get to see Rendal again. A few days later, it finally happens. Penelope and I arrive at the park, where Rendal and Zola are already waiting for us to arrive.

"Wow, Mommy! Zola's on the monkey bars!"

"I can see that, honey. Want to go join her?"

With a firm nod, she lets go of my hand and takes off. I watch Penelope run across the park, her laughter carrying on the breeze. It's a beautiful day, perfect for our rescheduled playdate. I approach Rendal and stand next to him, his presence both comforting and exhilarating. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, thanks to how close he is. I can smell his cologne, musky and attractive.

"She's got so much energy," he remarks, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. The rumble of his words seems to vibrate through the air between us, and I have to resist the urge to lean closer.

I nod, smiling as I watch Penelope scramble up the ladder to join Zola on the monkey bars.

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