Page 48 of Single Orc Daddy

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"I can see that. Thank you," Chloe teases, her eyes twinkling with pure affection. "Is this how you always apologize? With flowers and grand speeches?"

I chuckle, feeling lighter than I have in weeks. The tension that's been coiled in my chest finally starts to unwind. "Only for the special ones," I quip back, my voice low and playful. I can't help but admire how beautiful she looks, even with tear-stained cheeks. "Though I have to admit, Zola helped with the flower selection. She's got quite the eye for bouquets." I pause, running a hand through my short dark hair. "You should've seen her at the florist's, bossing me around like a tiny drill sergeant. 'No, Daddy, not those!' Ran me around like I was in the Navy."

Chloe laughs, the sound like music to my ears. "Well, I'll have to thank my little florist later," she says, glancing over at where Zola and Penelope are playing.

The girls are in their own world, giggling and twirling around the living room. Zola's attempting to teach Penelope some kind of dance move, but it looks more like she's imitating a drunken flamingo. Penelope, bless her heart, is trying her best to follow along, resulting in a hilarious display of flailing limbs and uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh my," Chloe says, covering her mouth to stifle her own giggles. "I think we might have a couple of future dance stars on our hands."

I snort, watching as Zola nearly topples over. "Or future comedians. They'll have the whole place rolling in laughter."

As we watch the girls' antics, I feel the last of my worries fade away. This is what I've been fighting for - these moments of pure joy and togetherness. I turn to Chloe, drinking in the sight of her radiant smile and the way her eyes crinkle at the corners when she laughs.

Without thinking, I reach out and pull her close. She looks up at me, surprise and warmth mingling in her gaze. I lean in and capture her lips with mine. It's an audacious move, but she looks beautiful and I just can't help myself.

Chloe responds immediately, her arms wrapping around my neck as she deepens the kiss. It's like coming home after a long journey, familiar and exhilarating all at once. I pour everything I feel for her into that kiss - my love, my commitment, my promise for our future.

When she parts, she trails her thumb along my lips. "I missed that a lot."

"Me too."



Isit on the couch next to Rendal, my heart still racing from his grand gesture. The sound of Zola and Penelope playing with dolls in the dining room fills the background, a reminder of the family we could be. I turn the small gift over in my hands, carefully unwrapping it.

Inside, I find a delicate charm bracelet. My breath catches as I see the charms—one with my name and another with Penelope's. It's beautiful and thoughtful, just like Rendal.

"Thank you," I say softly, looking up at him. "This is... it's perfect. I appreciate your sincerity, Rendal. It means a lot to me."

Rendal's eyes twinkle as he grins, that suave smile that always makes my heart skip a beat. "Well, I couldn't let you think I was all seriousness and no fun," he says, his voice playful. "I mean, someone's gotta keep you on your toes, right?"

I can't help but laugh, the tension easing from my shoulders. "Oh, is that so?" I tease back.

Rendal leans in, his voice dropping to a mock-whisper. "Don't tell anyone, but that's my secret plan. First, I make you laugh, then—bam!—you fall head over heels."

I giggle, shaking my head at his antics. It feels good to laugh with him again, to feel this connection that's been missing for so long.

"You know," Rendal continues, his tone still light but with an undercurrent of sincerity, "I considered getting a charm for Zola too, but I didn't want to presume. Maybe... maybe someday, if you're open to it, we could add her name to the bracelet."

His words touch me deeply, and I feel tears prick at my eyes. "I'd like that," I whisper, looking down at the bracelet again. "I'd like that a lot."

As we sit back and relax on the couch, he starts detailing about the custody proceedings going on. His voice is steady, but I can sense the underlying tension.

"It's been a rollercoaster," Rendal says, running a hand through his hair. "Valeria's furious about the whole thing. She didn't expect me to fight back so hard."

I nod, feeling a twinge of relief. Rendal is strong, stronger than whatever Valeria will throw his way. "How's she taking it?"

Rendal lets out a dry chuckle. "Not well. But honestly, I don't care. She's caused so much harm, to me and to Zola. It's about time karma came to bite her in the ass."

His words surprise me a little. I've never heard Rendal speak so harshly about Valeria before. But I understand his frustration.

"Do you think..." I hesitate, not wanting to voice my fears. But I need to know. "Do you think she might retaliate?"

Rendal's eyes meet mine, and I see a fierce determination there. "I don't think so," he says firmly. "And even if she tries, I won't let her ruin what we have going on. Not now, not ever."

His words warm my heart, but I can't help feeling a little anxious. "Are you sure? Valeria seems like the type to lash out when cornered."

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