Page 41 of Single Orc Daddy

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"I heard you," she says softly. "And just know that I'm not mad at you at all. I understand."

I look into her eyes, searching for any sign of anger or disappointment. Instead, I see compassion and a hint of uncertainty. The weight of our situation hangs heavy between us.

Without thinking, I reach out and take her hand in mine. Her fingers are warm and soft, and I hope she can feel everything I'm struggling to say through this simple touch. I want her to know how much she means to me, how sorry I am for the pain I've caused, and how desperately I want to make this work.

Chloe squeezes my hand in return, and I feel a surge of relief wash over me. It's a small gesture, but it speaks volumes. In that moment, I know we're in this together, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

We stand there in silence for a few seconds, the hospital bustling fading into the background. I can't help but marvel at how strong Chloe is, how understanding she's been through all of this. I know I don't deserve her patience, but I'm grateful for it nonetheless.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice rough with emotion. "For everything. For putting you through this, for not being there when you needed me. I want to do better. For you, for Penelope, for all of us."

Chloe's eyes soften, and she takes a step closer to me. "I know," she says quietly. "It's not easy, Rendal. But I believe in us. We can figure this out together."

"And don't forget what I've told you before," I whisper. "I'm not leaving you."

Chloe's lips quirk into a smile. "Even if I hired a bulldozer?"

"I'll pop its wheels before it takes me away," I quip.

"No need for the dramatics," she assures me, squeezing my hand in return. "I don't want you to leave me."

That's all it takes. Those little words do wonders to quell the storm brewing in my heart.



Igently close Penelope's bedroom door, careful not to disturb her rest. The doctor said her arm would heal quickly, but seeing her in pain today broke my heart into pieces. I make my way to the living room, sinking into the couch with a heavy sigh.

The events at the hospital replay in my mind like a movie I can't turn off. Rendal's presence was a comfort I didn't know I needed. The way he took charge, calmed Penelope, and handled everything... It reminded me why I fell for him in the first place.

But then there was that phone call. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but hearing Rendal's conversation with Valeria stirred something inside me. A mixture of empathy and dread, I suppose. I know he's trying his best to balance everything, but at what cost?

I glance at the framed photo of Penelope on the coffee table, her sweet smile beaming back at me. A pang of guilt hits me square in the chest. What if Penelope were in Zola's place? How would I feel if someone was pulling her father in different directions?

The conflict within me deepens. I care for Rendal, more than I've cared for anyone in a long time. I can see a future with him, a life where we blend our families and create something beautiful. But the constant tension with Valeria, the way it affects Zola... it's like a dark cloud hanging over us.

I pick up the photo, tracing Penelope's face with my finger. "What's the right thing to do, sweetie?" I whisper, knowing full well she can't answer. She's too innocent for this fucked up situation. The uncertainty swirls in my mind, a tornado of emotions I can't seem to calm.

Part of me wants to fight for what we have, to stand by Rendal and weather this storm together. But another part wonders if it's fair to any of us—to Rendal, to Zola, to Penelope, or even to myself. Am I being selfish for wanting this relationship? Or would I be selfish for walking away?

I set the photo back down, leaning back on the couch and closing my eyes. The weight of the decision feels crushing. I want to be there for Rendal, to support him through this difficult time. But I also need to protect my heart and Penelope's.

I reach for my phone, my fingers trembling slightly as I dial Lisa's number. The familiar ring echoes in my ear, and I silently pray she'll pick up. On the third ring, I hear her cheerful voice. "Hey, Chloe! What's up?"

"Lisa," I start, my voice cracking. "I really need to talk. Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, honey. What's going on?" The concern in her voice is palpable, and it opens the floodgates.

I pour everything out—the incident at the park, Rendal's unwavering support at the hospital, and the overheard phone call with Valeria. My words tumble out in a rush, emotions raw and unfiltered. "I don't know what to do, Lisa. I care about Rendal so much, but this situation with Valeria... it's tearing me apart."

Lisa listens quietly, letting me vent without interruption. When I finally pause to catch my breath, she speaks softly. "Oh, Chloe. That sounds really tough. How are you holding up?"

"I'm a mess," I admit, wiping away a stray tear. "I want to be there for Rendal, but I can't help feeling like I'm caught in the middle of something I can't fix."

"Have you talked to Rendal about how you're feeling?" Lisa asks gently.

I sigh, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. "Not really. I mean, we've talked around it, but... I'm scared, Lisa. Scared of losing him, scared of hurting Penelope, scared of making the wrong choice."

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