Page 23 of Single Orc Daddy

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I hesitate, not wanting to impose. "Are you sure? That's a lot to ask..."

"It's no trouble at all," Rendal insists. "Besides, I think these two could use some fun."

Penelope perks up at the mention of lunch, and Zola claps her hands excitedly.

"Can we, Mommy? Please?" Penelope asks, her eyes wide and hopeful.

I look at Rendal, feeling a rush of gratitude. "If you're sure it's not too much..."

He grins, already helping Penelope gather her things. "Positive. Take your time, we'll be back in a couple of hours."

As they head out the door, Rendal turns back to me. "Don't work too hard, okay? And enjoy that croissant."

I watch them go, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. Taking another sip of coffee, I turn back to my lesson plans with renewed energy.

By the time I finish, Rendal calls me and tells me that he and the girls are at the park, enjoying some playtime while he eats some apple sauce. Now, it's my time to return the favor.

On the way there, I pick up some sushi for us to enjoy while the girls get their energy out. When I get to the park, Zola and Penelope are swinging high on the swingset while Rendal sits on a picnic blanket, sipping the last bits of applesauce out of the tiny container. It's comical how that thing looks bite-sized compared to his large hand.

I offer Rendal the sushi as I sit down next to him on the picnic blanket. His eyes light up at the sight of the food.

"You're an angel sent from the heavens," he says playfully, reaching for a piece of California roll.

I can't help but laugh. "Oh please, it's just sushi. But if that's all it takes to earn my wings, I'll take it."

Rendal grins, popping the roll into his mouth. "Mmm, definitely heavenly. Though I have to say, I'm a little worried about what this means for my status as your knight in shining armor. Am I being replaced by raw fish?"

I pretend to consider this, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "Well, the sushi doesn't leave apple sauce stains on its shirt, so it's got that going for it."

He glances down at his shirt, where a small smear of apple sauce is indeed visible. "All the cool dads are wearing their snacks these days."

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow, fighting back a smile. "And here I thought you were just trying to save some for later."

Rendal laughs, his deep voice rumbling pleasantly. "You caught me. It's my secret stash for emergencies."

We continue bantering as we enjoy the sushi, the afternoon sun warm on our faces. I watch as Rendal expertly uses his chopsticks, despite his large hands.

"I'm impressed," I say, nodding at his chopstick skills. "I half expected you to just stab the sushi with those big mitts of yours."

He feigns offense, holding a hand to his chest. "I'll have you know I'm the picture of grace and refinement. Watch this."

Rendal proceeds to attempt to balance three pieces of sushi with his chopsticks. Predictably, it ends with a piece landing on the ground, much to my amusement. Instead of letting it go to waste, he pops it into his mouth.

"Oh yes, very graceful," I say through my laughter. "I think you've got a new talent there, Mr. Refined."

With a small sigh, I pop my sushi pieces into my mouth as I relax and watch the girls. The relaxation washes over my body and I have nobody else but Rendal to thank.

With that in mind, I turn to him. "I can't thank you enough for taking Penelope earlier. It's like you lifted a mountain off my shoulders."

He smiles, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "Happy to help. Though I have to admit, I had an ulterior motive."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow, curious.

"Yeah, I figured if I took the girls, you'd end up bringing me sushi. Along with a nice side of ginger and wasabi," he says with a wink. "Clearly, my master plan worked."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Ah, so that's your game. Using your dad powers for personal gain, I see."

"Hey, a guy's gotta eat. And orcs have to eat two pig-sized meals to get satisfied," he quips. "But seriously, how's work going? Seemed pretty intense earlier."

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