Page 18 of Single Orc Daddy

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Can you come over then?

I take a deep breath, my heart pounding as I watch Rendal settle into the chair across from me at the kitchen table. The girls' laughter drifts in from the living room, a stark contrast to the tension I feel bubbling inside me.

"I'm really sorry about missing so many of our plans," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper. "The school year is always so hectic, and I've been swamped with work."

Rendal listens quietly, his expression thoughtful. I search his face for any sign of anger or disappointment, but find none. Instead, his eyes soften as he speaks.

"I understand, Chloe. I just miss spending time with you," he admits.

His honesty catches me off guard, and I feel a weight lift from my shoulders. The tension that's been building between us starts to dissipate, replaced by a warmth that spreads through my chest.

Encouraged by his response, I reach across the table and take his hand in mine. "I've missed you too," I confess. "And I want to make things right."

Over the next few weeks, I make a conscious effort to carve out time for Rendal. During my lunch breaks, I invite him for quick coffee dates at the Cozy Bean. We chat over steaming lattes, sharing stories about our day and stealing moments of connection in between my hectic schedule.

I start sending him texts throughout the day, little messages of encouragement or funny anecdotes from my classroom. Each time my phone buzzes with his reply, I feel a flutter in my stomach.

Then, one Saturday morning, I wake up with a sudden burst of inspiration. I pack a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruit, andsome of Penelope's favorite cookies. With Penelope in tow, we drive to Rendal's house, surprising him and Zola.

"What's all this?" Rendal asks, his face lighting up as he opens the door.

"We thought we'd kidnap you for a day in the park," I reply, grinning.

Soon, we're all settled under a large oak tree in Greenfield Central Park. The girls run off to play on the nearby playground, leaving Rendal and me alone on the picnic blanket.

As we share sandwiches and laughter, I feel the connection between us strengthening once more. Rendal's arm brushes against mine as he reaches for a cookie, and I feel a spark of electricity at the contact.

When the girls are engrossed in their game, Rendal turns to me, his blue eyes intense. "Chloe," he murmurs, leaning in closer.

I meet him halfway, our lips coming together in a kiss that's even more meaningful than our first. There's no awkwardness this time, just a deep, mutual understanding and affection.



As I tap my pen against my desk, I don't even realize that there's a knock on my door until I hear Zola calling out for me.

"Daddy!" she says, her knocking becoming pounding. "Daddy, is Mommy still coming on time?"

Oh, shit.

Ever since Valeria has popped back into our lives, she’s been occasionally talking to Zola on the phone. Now, Valeria has been taking Zola for a few nights here and there, as if trying to rebuild the relationship that she irrevocably broke when she abandoned us in the first place.

Whatever. It makes Zola happy to see her, so I allow it.

I check my phone, seeing a text message from Valeria giving me an ETA of five minutes. Clearing my throat, I get up and open the door to my study, letting Zola run in and do cartwheels on my carpet in her excitement.

"She's still coming, honey. She'll be here in a few minutes."


I swipe my tongue across my teeth. I've been daydreaming about Chloe too much. It happens everywhere now. At home, at work, in the shower, in bed. I can't stop.

That kiss… her warm mouth. Her intoxicating smell. I'm infatuated with her and I can't get her out of my head. It's riveting.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself as I hear the knock on the front door, coupled with the ring of the doorbell that echoes throughout my large home. Zola bolts past me, her little feet pattering against the hardwood floor.

"Mommy's here!" she squeals.

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