Page 15 of Single Orc Daddy

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Chloe grins. "Oh, you have no idea. It's like herding cats on a sugar high some days."

"Try herding developers with a caffeine addiction," I counter. "Last week, I caught two of them having a nerf gun battle over the last energy drink in the fridge."

She laughs, her eyes sparkling. "I couldn't handle that. I'll stick to finger painting…even if it ends up on the walls."

"I'm sure it looks like some of the incessant programming battles I've dealt with. Ever tried to decipher code written entirely in emoji?"

Chloe shakes her head, giggling. "Can't say I have. But I am skilled at decoding a five-year-old's story about their weekend." She gives me a smile. "More so than you'd ever believe."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Try me."

She clears her throat dramatically. "Okay, here's one from last week: 'I went to the moon and saw a purple elephant eating spaghetti with my grandma.'"

I burst out laughing. "Okay, you win. That's way more creative than anything my team could come up with."

"It's not all fun and games though," Chloe says, her smile softening. "Sometimes it's heartbreaking. Like when a kid's having a rough day at home and you can see it in their eyes."

I nod, understanding. "Yeah, I get that. It's tough when personal stuff bleeds into work. Had a guy going through a nasty divorce last month. Kept mixing up his variables with his ex-wife's name."

Chloe winces sympathetically. "Ouch. How'd you handle that?"

"Lots of patience and maybe a few extra coffee runs," I admit. "Sometimes being a manager is more about being a friend than a boss."

She nods, her eyes warm. "I feel the same way about teaching. It's not just about ABCs and 123s. It's about being there for them, you know?"

I feel a surge of admiration for her. "You're amazing, you know that? The way you care about those kids..."

Chloe blushes slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks. It means a lot to hear that."

We share a moment of comfortable silence, watching our daughters play. I can't help but feel grateful for this connection we're building, one conversation at a time.

Deciding to lighten the mood, I turn to Chloe. "And speaking of the crazy things kids do, I think you'll get a kick out of this."

A smile tugs at her lips. "About Zola?"

I nod and she shifts closer toward me, looking eager. "So, the other day, Zola decided she wanted to train our cat, Mr. Whiskers, to do tricks," I begin, a grin spreading across his face."She spent hours trying to get him to jump through a hoop and even tried to bribe him with treats. The cat just sat there, looking completely unimpressed."

Chloe bursts out laughing, her eyes crinkling with amusement. "I can totally picture that! Kids and their wild ideas," she says, still giggling. "It's just like when my students try to teach each other new games on the playground."

I chuckle, remembering Zola's determined face as she tried to coax Mr. Whiskers into performing. "Oh, it gets better," I say, leaning in conspiratorially. "After an hour of trying, Zola decided to show Mr. Whiskers how it's done. She got down on all fours and started crawling through the hoop herself, meowing the whole time."

Chloe's laughter rings out, her whole body shaking with mirth. "Oh my God, that's adorable!"

"I wish I'd recorded it," I admit, grinning. "Mr. Whiskers just sat there, looking at her like she'd lost her mind. I swear that cat rolled his eyes at one point."

"I can just imagine," Chloe says, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "What did Zola do next?"

I shake my head, still amused by the memory. "She decided Mr. Whiskers needed a costume to get into character. Next thing I know, she's chasing him around the house with one of her doll's tutus."

Chloe snorts, covering her mouth with her hand. "Poor Mr. Whiskers!"

"Yeah, he wasn't having any of it," I say, chuckling. "He hid under my bed for hours. Zola kept trying to lure him out with treats, but he wasn't falling for it."

"Smart cat," Chloe remarks, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

I nod, grinning. "Smarter than me, apparently. I made the mistake of suggesting Zola try again tomorrow. She took thatas permission to turn our living room into a circus training ground."

Chloe raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh no, what happened?"

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