Page 75 of Out of Bounds

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Sure enough, my dad’s sitting at the edge of the deck. His hat’s flipped backward and he’s leaning on his elbows, staring up at the stars. In the dim light, he could easily pass for late twenties, not middle-aged with a grown daughter.

Heavy emphasis ongrown.

“Hey, Daddy.” I sink down next to him, my legs dangling over the edge of the deck. Kicking my sandals off, grass tickles the soles of my feet.

“Hey, baby. How was work?”

His tone is neutral, his expression blank. The man’s a freaking vault when it comes to his emotions. A trait that’s served him well as a coach, but is low-key annoying as his daughter.

“Good. Cam dropped by during Story Time. Took photos with the kids and signed autographs. It was a real highlight of the summer for them.”

His lips tip up a touch at this. “Bet they loved seeing a real-life professional football player.”

“They did.”

He takes a long sip of his beer, swallows. Cue the long, awkward pause. The only thing breaking the silence is crickets chirping, literally.

I clear my throat and forge ahead. “Cam said he talked to you after practice today.”

“He did.”

Ohmygod, this is beyond painful. Am I going to get the shortest answers possible until I have to pry it out of the man?

Okay, Sloane, just rip off the bandage. You’ve never been afraid to talk to your dad. Don’t start now.

“And? You good?”

“With what, exactly? Cam moving out?” He lifts his shoulders, shrugging. “Sure, that’s fine.”

“C’mon, Dad—” I punch him lightly on the arm, surprised at how strong he is. “You know what I mean. Are you going to make me say it?”

His lips twist into a smirk. “Yep.”

“Fine.” My face flames and a light trickle of sweat slips down my back. “Are you good with me and Cam dating?”

He sets his beer bottle down and faces me, his expressionserious. “Sloane, the two of you can do what you want. You’re both adults.”

“I’m sensing a huge ‘but’ here?—”

“But I’d be lying if I said I was happy about it. Don’t get me wrong—” He lifts his bottle up and picks at the edge of the label. “I like Cam. A lot. Way more than that fella you were gonna marry. But?—”

“Ah, here it comes—” I press my tongue against the inside of my cheek and hold my breath, waiting for his admonishment.

“He’s a professional athlete. I see the appeal, believe me. He’s in good shape, handsome, makes good money, has an exciting life. Y’all are friends and always have been, so there’s history there. All good things.”

“So what’s the problem then?” I tap my toes in the grass, agitated. My dad’s not making a lick of sense right now. If Cam’s not good enough for me, no other man stands a chance.

“His lifestyle isn’t normal, stable. Cam’s gonna get picked up by a new team and he’ll be leaving Thunder Creek. Not that you’re here to stay or anything, I’m sure you have bigger plans—” He takes a shuddery breath and for the first time, I realize that my dad actually likes me being back home. Here, with him. I didn’t think he cared when I left for school, then moved to New Orleans with Ratface. I never considered that he might be lonely.

“Honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing at the moment. I’m enjoying the job at the library, spending time with you, and Mimi and Poppa, hanging with Gracelyn. I haven’t made any decisions about the future yet.”

“I don’t want to see you get hurt is all. And I don’t think Cam would do anything purposely, but that lifestyle comes with challenges. Real, tangible challenges. Youwon’t be number one—football will be. Are you good with that?” He cuts his eyes at me and I squirm under his questioning gaze.

“Sure.” The word wobbles out of my mouth and I don’t sound convincing, even to my own ears.

“And you’re good with women throwing themselves at him all the time? Messaging him, sliding into his DMs—that’s what people are doing these days, right?”

I laugh. “Yeah, Dad, that’s what people do these days. And yeah, obviously I wouldn’t love that. But I trust Cam.”

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