Page 73 of Out of Bounds

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I’m finishing up my shift at the library when I get a text from Cam.

Cam: It’s done

My heart pounds hard and fast as I stare down at those two words.

It’s done.

I’m assuming this means Cam talked with my dad. But he sure isn’t sharing too much info about the chat.

Sloane: How’d it go? How did he seem to you?

Sloane: What was his reaction, exactly?

Cam: He was fine

Gah. I’m gonna needmore than that.

Sloane: What do you mean? Define ‘fine’

Cam: He took the news calmly. Doesn’t seem mad or anything

Cam: I’m going to Mustang’s with Nash and Nate. That’ll give you and your dad some space and time to talk

Oof. Thanks for that.

Sloane: You’re leaving me alone with him?!?

Cam: He’s your dad

Cam: And like I said, he’s fine. If anything, he’s more upset with me than you

Cam: And I wouldn’t say he’s upset. More like worried

Sloane: About what? You not being focused enough on football? Me being a distraction?

Cam: Sort of…

Cam: Pretty sure he’s more concerned about his little girl getting her heart broken again

A sharp pang radiates across my chest.

My dad’s worried about me getting hurt?

I never thought of him as the sensitive type, the sort of guy who’d be concerned with inconsequential things like feelings. Any time I had an issue with a boy at school, he’d send me straight to Mimi’s house. He never wanted to getinvolved with my love life.

Maybe I don’t know him as well as I think I do.

Sloane: You want company at the bar? I can blend in with the guys

Cam: Trouble, there’s zero percent chance you’re blending in. You’re a knockout

I blush at the compliment, although I’m not thrilled at the prospect of going home to hang with my dad. Alone, without Cam as a buffer.


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