Page 68 of Out of Bounds

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“You’re really tall. Are you Cam Crawford, the football player?” A blonde boy stares up at Cam, his eyes narrowed.

Cam nods. “Sure am.”

“Wow. So cool. Can I have your autograph?” He swipes a sheet of paper off the table, handing Cam a green crayon. “Please? I want to give it to my dad.”

“No prob.” Cam takes the crayon and bends over, scrawling his signature across the sheet of paper. “Here you go.”

Another kid sees the exchange and suddenly there’s a line of people waiting to talk to Cam, get his autograph, or take a photo with him.

“Sorry,” he mouths before bending down and throwing his arm across a kid’s shoulders, grinning at the camera.

I wave him off. “It’s fine.”

Twenty minutes later, Cam’s signed tons of autographs and chatted with every child and most of the parents. Abigail wanders over and taps Cam’s arm.

“Are you Miss Sloane’s boyfriend?”

My face flames, heat creeping all the way up my neck and I know without even checking that my chest is red and splotchy. I low-key want to melt into the carpet tiles, dying right here on the spot.

Abigail and the remaining kids all stare at Cam, waiting for his answer. He shoves a hand in his pocket and lifts his marine eyes to mine.

“Yes. I think I am.”

Abigail’s face breaks into a smile and a few of the kids cheer excitedly, fists pumping in the air. The warmth in my face dissipates a little, spreading through my whole body.

Until I remember where I am.

That this is Thunder Creek and my dad’s definitely going to hear about this turn of events by dinnertime.

Fuckity, fuck, fuck.

Oh well. I guess he was bound to find out sooner or later. Guess it’ll be sooner.

“Hey there, Cam.” Ms. Mabel slides up to us, wrapping her arm around Cam’s tapered waist and squeezing. “Fancy seeing you here. Did Sloane ask you to come in and help pick out the next book club read?”

Cam’s brow creases, one eyebrow rising. “Don’t think I’m the right man for the job, Ms. Mabel. Unless book club wants to read about football.”

Ms. Mabel laughs, a high-pitched nasally giggle. “They’re more into romance. Seems like the two of you might have a suggestion or two in that department.” She shoots both of us an exaggerated wink. “You should come to the book club in two weeks. It’ll be loads of fun.”

“Oh, I’m sure Cam will be way too busy to make it to book club,” I say at the exact same time Cam replies, “I’d love to come. Sounds like fun.”

Ms. Mabel chuckles again before patting Cam’s forearm. “We’ll see you again soon then, Cam. And in the meantime, if you need any help with book recommendations, I’m sure Sloane can help you find some great football reads.”

With that, she sidles away, leaving me beet-red and mortified in the Children’s Department.

“Well, that was embarrassing,” I mutter, low enough so only Cam hears.

“I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that.” He reaches for my hand, linking his fingers with mine. “I hope I didn’t overstep, making a claim on you like that.”

My heart flutters, literally skipping a beat, which I thought was only an expression until this very moment.

I peer up at him, wishing we were alone so I could run my thumb over his stubbled cheeks, brush his full lips against mine.

“No, I love that you made a claim. The only thing is—” My chest squeezes tight, hot anxiety swirling in my gut. “My dad. He’s definitely going to hear about this. 100% guarantee.”

“That’s actually why I needed to see you.”

“C’mon. Let’s go somewhere a little more private.” I drag Cam away from all the little ears, back into the much-less-traveled reference stacks.

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