Page 47 of Out of Bounds

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I crash onto the bed, not even bothering to take off my clothes, and stare up at the popcorn ceiling.

What was Sloane talking about, that business about my team email?

Her melodic voice echoes in my head, over and over, and I’m wide awake. Snagging my phone from the nightstand, I tap the screen and click until I’m inside my team email. I’m surprised I still have access, but there may be some HR bullshit I still need to take care of.

Seems like I haven’t checked my email in a while, judging by the 5,702 messages. Oops.

I stop scrolling when I spy a message from Sloane.Clicking on the email, I hold my breath and read. Stopping, re-reading.

Sloane thinks I’m funny. And cool. And apparently hot.

And she’s always had feelings for me.

Feelings I just exploited a few minutes ago.

With a shaky inhale, I force myself to keep reading, guilt edging in.

Sloane wanted to kiss me. Dreamed of it, in fact.

She doesn’t want to live with regrets.

She put herself out there. Mustered up the courage to be authentic, be real.

She took a huge risk, a gamble, and here I am hiding out in the spare bedroom. Running away from my feelings, avoiding her because what exists between us is special and I’m scared as hell to ruin it.

Sloane Carter missed me.

And she signed off with love.

It’s that last line that hits home. A strong force bubbles up inside me, pulling me out of bed and back down the hall.

I burst into her room and she sits up, startled.


The room’s dark, only a sliver of white moonlight shining through the blinds, outlining her silhouette. I cross to her bed, dropping down to my knees so we’re face to face.

“I’m an idiot.” I brush her cheek with my knuckles and she rests her face against my hand. “I shouldn’t have run out on you like that and I’m sorry.” My voice comes out strained and gravelly, but I push ahead.

“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you, screw things up between us. I care about you, Sloane. A lot more than you know.” Breath hitches in my throat, my chest tight.

She doesn’t say anything. Instead, she cups my face, her delicate fingers feathering over my jaw. She touches her lips to mine and I kiss her back with everything I have, swelling with happiness.

This feels right. We feel right.

Maybe, just maybe, life is starting to turn around.



Was last night a dream? Or did I finally kiss Cam Crawford in real life?

I roll over, the masculine scent of Cam drifting from my pillow. He was definitely here, in this room. And I wasn’t drinking tequila this time, either. So I’m going with yes, all of last night was indeed very, very real.

Our first kiss.

Cam reading The World’s Most Embarrassing Email.

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