Page 57 of Forever Wild

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Up-shifting to peak power, I take the ramp at top speed, soaring into the air. For a glorious second, I’m flying through the clear blue sky, the red Georgia dirt muting as I climb higher and higher. Then I’m sinking, gravity taking hold and I lean forward, my grip tight. I’m closing in on the ground fast, too fast, and my position isn’t perfect.

I land with a shaky thud, the bike shifting beneath me. The back tire wobbles and I’m sliding on the ground, the bike left behind.


Finally slowing, I close my eyes and breathe. I don’t think anything’s broken, but my knee doesn’t feel great. Mercifully, I landed on the good knee. But still.

I’m getting too old for this shit.

The negative thought pops into my head, the same one I’ve been fending off since my injury.

No, Wild.

Every stunt person falls and crashes. It’s all part of the job description. The thing that distinguishes the good from the great is getting back up and trying again.

With shaking hands, I push myself up and search for the bike. The bike’s lying on its side in the field twenty or so yards away. I walk over and lift it to the upright position, then wheel around to the starting point and hop back onto the bike.

If you had half as much determination with Trix, you could make it work.

I pause, the bike idling beneath me.

Forget it, Wild. You heard what she said. She doesn’t want to take the risk with you.

Staring down the dirt runway, I get ready to try the stunt again.



The shop feels empty without Colt. His cocky smile, that dimple popping whenever he wants something. His deep, rumbly laugh bouncing off the concrete slab floors. The constant conversation about each and every person who passed by the display window.

I even miss his stupid Dad jokes.

God, this is depressing.

Breaking up with Jett sucked, sure, but mostly because I had to leave my job, our apartment, Savannah. This is somehow worse. Even though Colt and I were casual, things between us felt better than they ever did with me and Jett.

And now Colt’s leaving and I’m alone.


I should probably get a cat.Wonder if a cat would run away and leave me, too, when something better came along.

What you should have done was hear him out, listen to what he had to say.

No, nothing good was going to come from that conversation. He was gonna be all “let’s-just-keep-things-how-they-are.” And you’re officially in your “slay-Queen” era, so staying in the friends-with-benefits zone isn’t going to work anymore.

No, it’s time for a change. No more players, no more settling, no more bullshit. From here on out, I’ll be accepting serious inquiries only.

Buzz, buzz.

My heart skips, stupidly holding out hope that Colt’s texting me and telling me he blew it. He’s making a huge mistake leaving Peach Springs and he’s officially changed his mind.

With shaking hands, I slide the cell out of my pocket.

Tiles&More: Your tile order is now ready for pick up. Please respond C to confirm

Dammit.Not Colt.

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