Page 39 of Forever Wild

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“No, it’s okay,” Danny says. “Go. I know you’re both tired from all the work at the shop. We’ll see you Saturday.”

Colt moves his hand from between my legs, easing my skirt back down before he stands up.

“It was great seeing you boys.” He reaches across the table, tousling both of their heads.

“Bye, Spidey!” Lucas waves at Colt and he laughs.

“Just a Spidey stand-in,” Colt says. He shoots Ana a casual wave, but she pops up, wrapping him in an awkward hug that lasts one beat too long.

“Great seeing you. Hope you come to the game on Saturday. The kids on the team would love to meet a local celeb,” Ana gushes, fawning over Colt, her hand still resting on his biceps.

“Thanks, maybe I will.” Colt smiles, then steps out of her grasp to give my brother’s back a slap. “See you around, man.”

“Come Saturday. Maybe then I can get dessert,” Danny grumbles. “Or at least a donut or something. Bye, Trix.”

Danny hugs me, the boys coming around and squeezing me tight around the thighs.

“Bye, guys.”

Colt and I walk to the door, Danny and Ana hovering just behind us. Danny opens the door and the family all stands on the porch, waving, as we move toward the truck. Colt unlocks the truck, opening the door for me, offering me his hand to climb into the cab. I take it without even thinking, situating myself in the passenger seat. He shuts the door and moves aroundthe truck and I catch a glimpse of Ana’s face, her lips pressed together in a thin line, eyes narrowed.

She knows.

Or at least suspects something’s up.


My brother’s clueless, but how could we pull one over on Ana? She stared at Colt all night long, following his every freaking move. No way was she missing anything.

Colt slams his door and turns the engine over, backing carefully down the driveway. The streetlights flicker on as we pull away from my brother’s house.

“That went well.” Colt turns up the radio, one hand thrumming the steering wheel to the booming beat.

“No, it did not. Ana knows.”

“No way.”

“Yes way. First, she totally has a thing for you.”

“Does not.”

“Does so. She was practically undressing you with her eyes all evening, stroking your arms. I’m surprised she didn’t ask you to help her with the dishes and ‘accidentally’ splash her white shirt to make it translucent.”

“I thought you liked Ana.” Colt’s eyes slide to meet mine.

“I did. Before she started flirting with you.” I cross my arms over my chest, my gut swirling.

“That’s so cute.” He grins, his dimple winking at me.

“What’s cute?” I frown, furrowing my brow.

“You’re jealous.”

I roll my eyes. “Pshaw. Totally not jealous. I just think it’s shitty that she’s flirting with her husband’s best friend, right in front of him and the kids.”

“Relax, Trix.” He reaches over, finding my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. “Nothing would ever happen between me and Ana. She’s married to my best friend.”

My heart skips in my chest as I stare down at Colt’s strong fingers laced with mine.

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