Page 29 of Forever Wild

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I chuckle. “Fair enough.”

“Hello? Trixie? You here?” A shrill voice sounds from outside the door.

Trixie blanches, eyes wide as she mouths “Oh my god” silently. She frantically adjusts her bra, shoving her breasts back into the satin before reaching behind her and grabbing our T-shirts. Shoving mine at me, she tosses the shirt over her head.

“Just a second, Ms. Lottie—we’re in here,” she shouts loudly through the closed door. “Just measuring for new tile. Hang on a sec.”

Glancing over her shoulder, Trix swipes at her mouth, smoothing her tousled hair back from her face.

“Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone,” Trix warns me in a harsh whisper, plastering a tight smile on her face.

I shoot her a two-finger salute, hiding my disappointment. Not sure why, but her words cut me to the quick.

“You got it, boss.”

Trix flings the door open and strides out, all bubbly and confident. I hang back, fixing my shirt and trying to figure out why I’m bummed about her rapid attitude change.

I shouldn’t care one way or the other. Things between us can’t be serious. She’s staying here and opening a business. I’m heading back to L.A. as soon as the dedication’s over. Not to mention the whole Danny/best friend thing.

So why do I feel so bruised?



OMG. What just happened in there?

I mean, Iknowwhat happened. But like—what happened?

A few more minutes with Colt and I would have dropped my panties like every other woman in Peach Springs. Theexactthing I swore I wouldn’t do.

Yeah, that lasted a cool forty-eight hours.

“Y’all are making good progress, hun.” Ms. Lottie peers over her wire-rimmed glasses at the now-empty space, taking in the dusty, linoleum-free floors. “Is Colton helping you out? I’m real sorry about the overbook situation, but this way at least you have someone pitching in, right? Oh, hello there, Colton.” Ms. Lottie waves over my shoulder, but I don’t turn around. I don’t trust myself to look at Colt right now.

Not after he caressed my breast, suckling my nipple and telling me how gorgeous I am.

“Hey, Ms. Lottie.” His deep, husky voice fills the air, sending a hot rush of desire rolling through me. My panties are soaked.


It’s fine. Merely a physiological reaction, nothing to panic about. We can still recover from this, go back to being just friends.

He stands beside me, our forearms brushing, and all I can think about is his chiseled chest and rock-hard abs. And dick.

No, Trixie! Whatever you do, do not think about his dick.

Even though I’m positive it’s big and amazing. He probably has a signature move or two.

“Dear, what happened to your neck?” Ms. Lottie reaches out and rubs at the side of my neck with her papery thumb. “You have a red mark there.”

“Maybe a vampire got you last night, Trix.” Colt smirks at me and I hold in the urge to slug him. “Probably hitched a ride with your Savannah specter.”

I roll my eyes at Colt, my fist balling up. “You’re ridiculous, Colt.”

“Oh, you have a ghost?” Ms. Lottie’s dark brown eyes widen behind the lenses of her glasses. “Dottie and I visited Savannah a few years back and went on one of those haunted house tours. Very neat, but I couldn’t sleep for three days afterward. And Dottie swears she hears voices every now and again at our house.” She leans in close to us, conspiratorially. “But I think she just needs to turn her hearing aid down. Too much feedback, ya know?”

Colt chuckles and I’m at least happy for the distraction from the hickey on my neck. I’m going to have to put on some make-up to cover that up. I’m thirty-years-old; I can’t be walking around town with a hickey on my neck like a freaking teenager.

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