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I desperately wanted to glance at my phone, but Everly was now directly across from me, standing at the register.

“Macy wants you—needs you—to chase her. The gifts are good—really nice, actually—but she needsmore. Like, real contact with you. She wants you to hunt her down. Throw rocks at her window and wake her up at night. Embarrass yourself for her. Stand in the rain. That sort of thing.” She twirled her hair as she ticked off all my options.

“I tried that, Everly. Didn’t she tell you I sang karaoke to her at the Rowdy? And she ran out of there crying. So no—I don’t think that’s what she wants right now.”

“Shedidmention that...” Everly tapped her cheek, her brow arched high, then waved my concern away. “I’m sure that was a one-off, though. I’m positive you should go after her.”

I closed my eyes for a second, trying to figure out the most efficient, effective way to get Everly out of here so I could read the damn test result. Maybe I should just glance down and read it. Or should I duck into the bathroom? Because it didn’t seem like Everly planned to leave anytime soon.

“Could you do me a favor?” I asked.

“Um, sure? I guess. What’s up?”

“Hang out for a sec. If anybody comes in, help them out. I have to use the restroom.” I pointed behind me and Everly bobbed her head.

“Sure, no problem. Go.” She waved me away, swiveling to face the door with newfound authority.

I was fairly certain she wouldn’t need to help anyone, but at least it put a stop to our little advice session. I hustled to the tiny restroom, ducking in and locking the door behind me.

Propping myself against the wood-paneled wall, I tapped the screen.

Session expired. Please log back in.

With jangly nerves, I typed all my information back in, praying the phone would get decent connection in here. The blue dots swirled again, and I waited for what felt like an hour, but was probably less than a minute.

Finally, the lab result popped up. I scrolled through, verifying the information was mine.Liam McCauliffe. Child. Aria Rasputin.

Several columns of letters and numbers, allele sequences. Then the statement of results:

Probability of Paternity: 0%

“Whoop!” I shouted, pumping my fist in the air, my stomach unclenching for the first time in ten days. “Yes!”

I exhaled a huge sigh of relief, a feeling of lightness flooding my body.

The baby wasn’t mine. I could at least try to win Macy back.

“Liam? You okay in there?” Everly rapped hard on the door.

I threw the door open, grabbing her by the waist and twirling her around, dark hair whipping behind her.

“I’m not the father. The baby isn’t mine!” I cried, eventually setting her back down on solid ground.

“What? Really? That’s great news!” She beamed at me, her cheeks flushed pink. “You just found out? How?”

“The lab sends you a text. Official results will come in the mail, but I’M NOT THE FATHER!” I couldn’t control myself, an excited quiver humming through my body. “I have to tell Macy. Do you know where she is?”

“She’s home. She’s working at the Rowdy, but not until tonight. Want me to cover the store for you?”

Oh yeah, shit. The store.I glanced down at my watch. Almost four p.m.

“Jolene gets in soon. I should wait for her.”

“Go. I’ve got it until then.” Everly waved me off, pushing me towards the door.

“You sure?” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Liam, I’ve got this. If anything comes up, I have your number. Go.”

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