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I didn’t want to break free of him.

As hard as I tried to hold it back, a lone tear spilled out, trailing down my cheek. Liam reached out, wiping it away with the pad of his thumb.

“I hate that you’re crying. That I made you cry,” he breathed, inching in closer to me. His clean, familiar scent rolled off his body, tickling my nose and sending pulses of desire shooting straight to my core.

Damn it.

The skin on my cheek burned in the wake of his thumb, hyperaware of his presence. I inhaled a shaky breath, trying to calm down, filling my lungs with the cool air.

Liam tipped his head down, brushing his lips against mine and I sighed, melting into his kiss.

Nonononono, my mind shouted even as my body betrayed me, my lips parting for him, hot desire pooling low in my gut.

His hand found my hip, his large fingers splayed possessively around me, pulling me towards him. My hand traveled up his broad chest, my fingers gripping his shirt. I couldn’t break free of Liam, not with him here, this close to me.

“I can’t, Liam,” I finally managed to murmur. “It’s too much. Please stay away from me.”

I pulled back from his embrace, staring into the clear blue pools of his eyes. I registered the pain there and my chest squeezed, knowing that now I’d hurt him.

It didn’t make me feel better; in fact, now I felt even worse than I had before.

“Go take care of Aria and the baby. It’s where you belong now.” I could barely choke out the last words, trying to make my voice strong, hard, even though I was dying inside.

I pushed him away, then turned and went back into the Rowdy, letting the metal door swing shut behind me.

I only hoped he got the message. Because I wasn’t sure I could keep delivering it. He’d wear me down eventually and I couldn’t afford the heartache.



Ididn’t go back into the Rowdy. How could I, after Macy asked me—begged me—to leave her alone? She hated me and I didn’t blame her. I’d asked her to trust me and when she had, I’d trampled all over that trust. Trust she didn’t hand out to just anyone.

I promised I’d protect her heart and instead I’d shattered it.

I’d been a fool to think I could win her back. Or deserved a second chance.

What was I even doing back here? I needed to figure out a solution for the general store and then head back home to California. I didn’t belong here. Neither of us needed to be reminded of what could’ve been.

“Liam?” I almost ran into Ryder as I turned the corner of the building. “I didn’t know you were here tonight. I would’ve come over sooner. Should’ve guessed, though.” He shot me a huge shit-eating grin and my gut clenched.

Guess he hadn’t heard the bad news.

Not feeling like rehashing my dating status, I shrugged. “It’s okay. I was on my way home. Early morning tomorrow.”

“Bummer. I was hoping to grab a beer, talk about the store. I’m sure this hasn’t been easy on you. But man, having you here has helped out so much.” He blew out a breath, raking a hand through his close-cropped hair. “I probably shouldn’t even mention this yet—Quinn and I are still hammering out the details—but we were hoping you’d want to take over management of the store. Like permanently. We’d of course get all the paperwork in order and everything, but Pops can’t really handle it anymore. It’s just too much. And everything’s been running so smoothly since you took over. You made some great changes, much needed improvements—you’re perfect for the job—”

I raised my hand, interrupting his pitch. “Thanks, Ryder, I’m flattered by the offer. But I don’t think I can stay here. I have a business, a career, back in L.A.” My line sounded lame, even to my own ears, but at this point I didn’t give a fuck. I had to get out of Peachtree Grove; my heart couldn’t take being this close to Macy.

“Yeah, I understand. Maybe consider it, though?” His brow shot up, his tone hopeful.

I shook my head. “I don’t think I can.”

“Hey, are you okay?” Ryder tipped his head, staring at me hard. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have just sprung all this on you.”

I blew out a shuddery breath, scrubbing a hand over the back of my tense neck. I don’t know what possessed me, but I came clean to my cousin. “Not really, man. Macy and I broke up.”

“What?” Ryder asked, his eyes widening. “When? I hadn’t heard.”

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