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Twenty minutes later,we drove down the PCH in my black Range Rover, pushing the upper limits of recommended speed.

Macy sat up straight in the leather seat, her knuckles white from the death grip she had going on. She’d said exactly zero words to me since we got in the car, and I had no idea how to break the icy silence. I thrummed the steering wheel to the beat of the latest pop hit playing on the radio, frantically trying to decide what to say.

Finally, I settled on the direct route.

“I’m sorry, Mace.” I huffed out a breath, my chest deflating.

Her response? More fucking silence.

So I babbled on.

“Is there anything I can say or do that will make this better?” I cut my eyes at her briefly, taking in her tight lips, the frown marring her beautiful face. I wanted so very badly to erase it, to erase everything that had happened today, to go back to how things were before Aria showed up with her baby bombshell.

Macy shook her head. “Not really.”

Progress. At least she spoke to me.

“Do you think there’s any way we can move past this?” I asked, the tiniest bubble of hope floating around like a wayward pinball, pinging around my gut.

She sighed, long and low. “I’m tired, Liam. This is a lot to take in. And like I said before, I was fine with my uncomplicated life.”

Macy turned her body away from me, glancing out the window.

“This could be a minor complication. Even if the baby’s mine, which it may or may not be.”

“Liam. The fact that you eventhinka baby could be a minor complication pisses me off.”

I froze, my throat dry. This conversation wasn’t moving in a good direction.

“If the baby is yours, I would hope you’d take responsibility.” Her voice was strong and firm now.

“I would. I mean, I will. I’ll work things out with Aria, we’ll figure out what’s fair and equitable.”

“Ohmygod, are you seriously talking about money right now, Liam? Because I’m not.” Her hands left the death grip, flying through the air, stabbing at me.

“I’m talking about being there for the child.That’swhat’s fair and equitable. To the CHILD. You know, the poor innocent bystander? The kid didn’t ask for this mess. And if you do anything less than help raise that baby, you’re not the man I thought you were.”

Well, damn.Deep-down, I knew she was correct. The baby didn’t ask for this. The only right thing to do in this situation was stay here and try to work things out with Aria, even if that meant going to court.

But what did that mean for me and Macy?

I peered over at her again and instantly knew the answer.

We were done. Disgust was written all over her face; the hurt in her eyes said it all.

I had so much more to say to her, but I couldn’t. The words would not physically form in my cottony mouth.

LAX came into view and I drove towards Departures, easing the Rover to the curb. I threw the car into park, resting my hand on the gearshift. I wanted so very badly to reach out, to hold her hand, kiss her and make all of this go away.

But I knew I couldn’t.

Macy turned to face me, bright pink splotches coloring her cheeks, her eyes wide and sad.

“That baby deserves you, Liam. All of you. You’ll be a great dad. Even if it’s not an ideal situation and you have to co-parent with Aria. You need to stay here and be present for that child. I wish things were different, but they’re not...” Her voice trailed off, her bottom lip quivering.

“Macy—we can work this out.”

“No, Liam, we can’t. I belong in Peachtree Grove, not in your world.”

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