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“Perfect.” He dropped a tender row of kisses along the side of my neck, goosebumps rising where his lips had been. A shiver ran down my spine, heat flooding my body.

“If you keep that up, we’ll never make it to the gala,” I said, shooting him a cheeky grin over my bare shoulder.

“Worse things could happen,” he said, winking at me. “I personally know that what’s under this dress is even more amazing.”

I sighed, spinning to face him, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“I don’t believe in luck, Mace.” He brushed his lips softly over mine and desire pooled hot and low in my stomach.

I loved this man.

The thought skittered across my mind, jolting me back from dreamland to cold, hard reality. I mentally backpedaled, taking a few slow, calming breaths before I had a full-blown panic attack.

Get through the night, Macy,I chided myself.Don’t do anything crazy. Well, crazier than all the things you’ve already done.

“We should go,” I said, pulling away. “I don’t want you to be late.”

“Fine.” Liam kissed me one more time, then laced his fingers in mine. “Our chariot awaits.”

* * *

The sun was settingby the time we arrived at Cathedral Plaza in Los Angeles. The driver swung into the long line of cars approaching the entrance and a hot flush rolled over me. As we inched closer to the action, the flashing lights of cameras strobed off the tinted windows, sending shock waves of nerves pulsing through my body.

“It’ll be fine, Macy,” Liam said, stroking the top of my hand. Thank goodness he only had the top because my palm was sweaty.

“I know,” I said, trying to sound way more confident than I felt. At that moment, I fervently wished I’d managed to talk Liam into staying home.

“Here we go.” Liam squeezed my arm as the door to the car opened and he stepped out, reaching back and offering me his hand. I grabbed it as the shouts of ‘Mr. McCauliffe, over here!’assaulted my ears, pops of bright white light blinding me.

Liam’s strong hand on my back guided me forward, and we paused every so often, smiling at the cameras pointed in our direction. Making our way down the red carpet, we dead-ended into a large black screen with theAlways In Our Heartscharity logo plastered across the back. Another photographer lined us up just so, snapping four or five shots, then we were ushered away into the courtyard where the event was in full swing.

Long strings of twinkly lights lit up the edges of the space, white and black tables artfully laid out before us. Huge floral arrangements of white calla lilies stood in the center of each table, and tiny candles illuminated the glass vases. A waiter walked by, offering us golden flutes of champagne from a large tray and I gratefully accepted, taking a long sip to dull the sharp edges of my anxiety.

Liam smiled and nodded at acquaintances as we walked through the space, making our way towards our assigned table near the stage.

“Do you want something stronger?” Liam leaned in close to me, the fabric of his tux brushing against my skin, his scent tickling my nose. I relaxed a teeny bit, comforted by his presence.

“I’m good with wine, thanks.”

A few seconds later, we had fresh drinks from the bar and found our table.

“Liam! You made it.” A tall, broad-shouldered man with sandy brown hair and a wide smile waved, wandering over and clasping Liam’s hand, then going in for the full bro hug.

“Benji.” Liam clapped Benji on the back, then turned to me. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Macy.”

Girlfriend.My heart hammered in my chest as I attempted to focus on the words tumbling out of Benji’s mouth.

Liam introduced me as his girlfriend. Which, duh, made sense. He’d flown me out to California to attend a charity event and had given me a diamond necklace an hour ago. But hearing the official term ‘girlfriend’ still threw me for a loop.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been referred to as someone’s girlfriend, yet with Liam, the term fit as perfectly as the dress and the shoes.

“Macy, it’s great to meet you. I was beginning to wonder if Liam made you up.” Benji leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, the light stubble on his face tickling my skin.

“Nope, I’m real.” I smiled at him, instantly liking his easy, laid-back manner.

“Where’s Gabe?” Liam asked, glancing around.

“Stuck in traffic. He had a meeting downtown. He’ll be here any minute.”

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