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“Hey Macy.” Quinn moved into my “conversation” with the bartender, and I took a quick breath, regrouping. He knew her; of course he knew her.

“Hey Quinn. What’ll it be tonight?”

“I’ll have whatever’s on tap, seasonal.”

“Me too,” Ryder said, chiming in.

“Coming right up.” She swiveled around to get the drinks and I couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly round ass in her well-fitting jeans. Three seconds later she deftly slid all three drinks across the bar, not spilling a single drop.

“Want to start a tab?” she asked, her eyes trained on Quinn.


“Okey-dokey. I’m here all night. Don’t be skipping out on me, McCauliffes.” She tilted her chin up at us, teasing.

“You know I’m good for it, Mace,” he said, winking at her, and a hot surge of jealousy rushed through me. Which was absolutely ridiculous, given I didn’t even know her.

“Hey, do you remember our cousin, Liam?” Quinn asked, chucking me on the shoulder. “He used to live here. Went to middle school here, right?” Quinn looked at me, verifying, and I nodded. “You guys might have even been in some of the same classes together.”

Macy shook her head, her eyes narrowed. “Don’t think so. Nice to meet you, Liam.”

“Likewise,” I said, then mentally smacked myself.Really? Likewise?This girl had me totally off my game. Not that I had much, but I usually did better than this.

“Well, I’ve got some other thirsty customers. I’ll check back in on you boys later.” She winked at us, then sidled down the bar. I barely managed to stop myself from staring.

“Easy there, buddy,” Quinn said in a low voice, bumping my elbow.

“What?” I asked, playing dumb.

“What?” Ryder said, mocking me, his grin wide. “If you stared any harder, she might combust from the lasers you beamed at her.”

Inwardly, I cringed, but I straightened my shoulders and said, “Not true. I’m just jetlagged.”

“Yeah, go with that,” Quinn said, taking a swallow of beer.

“Mm-hmm,” Ryder chided, giving me a wide, stupid grin and waggling his eyebrows.

“She’s nice. You could do worse,” Quinn said, his tone even. “But fair warning—she doesn’t really date. I can’t remember her ever having a boyfriend.”

“Really?” I asked, my voice tipping up a notch.

“I don’t know what her deal is, but she doesnotdo serious. Could be perfect for you.” Quinn leaned back, contemplating the situation.

I stared down into the white beer foam, took a long swallow to avoid talking.

“Since you’re only here for a while,” Ryder said, clarifying. As if I hadn’t pieced it together.

“Thanks for the dating advice, guys,” I said, glancing past them down the bar, my eyes focused on Macy’s graceful movements.

“No problem. We’re helpful like that,” Ryder said, chuckling.

Suddenly my time in Peachtree Grove became a lot more interesting—assuming I managed to talk Macy into at least one date.



“Who’s the tall guy, the one with Quinn and Ryder?” Steph, my fellow bartender, asked, casting her dark eyes down towards the McCauliffes, sizing them up. Not that I blamed her—they were an extremely good-looking trio, every one of them handsome in their own way.

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