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Now, being with Liam, I could actually breathe. Relax. Just be.

And that felt really fucking amazing.

Yet I still had a gnawing in my gut, that tiny voice in the back of my head nagging at me even though I’d been working on silencing it. That aggravating voice warning me not to get too close. Nothing good in my life ever happened when I let people in, and I needed to protect myself.

I took a deep breath, shoving down the hot swirl of panic rising in my chest, and snuggled deeper into Liam’s embrace.

I wanted to enjoy this moment, for once in my life, and to hell with the consequences. I’d worry about them later.

* * *

Banging.Lots of clattering, then the scent of fresh coffee. And did I smell bacon?

I rolled over, stretching, and last night came rushing back to me. The alley, the shower, the hot sex.


I’d spent the night with him, breaking my cardinal rule.

I fervently hoped it wouldn’t bite me in the ass.

“Morning, beautiful.”

I started at his low, gruff morning voice, a slow smile spreading over my face. Liam crossed to the bed, holding out a mug of steaming hot coffee.

Sitting up on my elbows, I gratefully accepted. “What time is it?”

“It’s only eight. We have time. I made you breakfast. As promised.” He shot me a smile, his dimple highlighted in the early morning sunshine streaming through the blinds. Even in a T-shirt and boxers, he was extraordinarily good-looking, his muscles defined through the thin cotton fabric. I loved his long, lean lines, the slight bit of dark scruff on his strong jaw, the clear blue eyes that still managed to radiate heat.

“Sorry if I woke you. I haven’t cooked that much here yet and I wasn’t sure where everything was.”

“Are you kidding? I’ll take a homemade breakfast any day, even if it makes a marching band look quiet. Which—to be clear—it didn’t. I was awake,” I said, reassuring him.

“Good.” He leaned down, kissing me softly on the forehead. “C’mon, we better get going. Can’t be late to work.”


I climbed out of bed, trying hard not to turn this entire scenario into a real-life fairytale. Because right here, right now, everything felt a-maz-ing. Like Liam was The One. And I didn’t even believe in The One.

Now I had a taste of what waking up next to him every day could be like and gawd, I wanted it. Badly.

Which was not good. Not good at all.

Despite all my bravado last night, the cold light of day highlighted all the reasons this wasn’t going to work.

Starting with the fact that Liam lived in L.A. and I lived in Peachtree Grove.

We both had real responsibilities, things we couldn’t just leave behind because we felt like it. He had a big-shot career and I had my little sister.

Then there was the issue of money. He had tons, I had none.

And long-term, what did we have in common, besides a few of the same acquaintances? I knew nothing about the tech world, and he knew nothing about small-town living. Where the hell were we going with this relationship? How could this work?

“Macy? You want eggs? Bacon? Toast?”

I licked my lips, swallowing hard, torn between sitting down to eat breakfast or running out the door.

I sat down.

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