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I slumped back against the seat, defeated. I did not have extra money—or time—for car repairs.

“Want me to see if I can jump it? Then take it to the mechanic for you?” Liam asked.

“That’s too much,” I said, waving a hand at him. “But thanks. I’ll get it taken care of this weekend, I guess.”

“This weekend? Won’t you need a car before then?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. But it’s fine, I can always walk.”

“Tell you what. Leave me your car keys and I’ll see if—between me, Ryder, and Quinn—we can get it fixed for you. Or at least get it to the shop. I hate for you to not have a car.” He locked those blue eyes on mine and a hot tingle swept over me, the tension headache I felt forming at the base of my neck dissipating.

“Alright. But if it’s too big of an imposition, don’t worry about it. I know y’all have a lot going on, what with Pops in the hospital.”

“It’s fine.” He patted my arm and I swear a tiny piece of my heart unlocked in that moment.

“Here you go.” Liam pulled up in front of the 5-to-9’er, idling at the curb. I grabbed my purse and opened the door, swinging my legs out of the cab.

“Keys?” Liam held his hand out, palm up.

“Right.” I plucked the car key off my key chain, placing the metal into his warm hand. Another spark shot through me and a hot blush crept into my cheeks.

“Thanks for the ride.” I shot him a shy smile, then turned and walked into the 5-to-9’er only two minutes late.



Wow.Macy lived in Quinn’s apartment building. Nice stroke of luck and another perk of small-town living.

I slipped her car key into my pocket, then circled around Main Street, looking forLanie’s,Quinn’s girlfriend’s bakery.I’d planned to meet him there this morning and get the run-down on the store before he started his next shift at the fire station.

Spotting the bakery, I slid into a parking spot directly in front. It was still early, but the “Open” sign had been flipped. I hoped there’d be coffee; the time difference was wearing on me, all the adrenaline from running into Macy this morning now evaporated.

“Hello?” I called out. The door chime tinkled through the small, airy space, bouncing off the marble counter and the white shiplap walls. Vanilla combined with the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans had my stomach grumbling.

“Oh, hey. You must be Liam.” A petite brunette popped out from behind a swinging door, presumably leading to the kitchen. She wiped her hands down the front of her blue apron before extending it to me. “I’m Delaney. Quinn’ll be down in a sec. Can I get you some coffee? A muffin maybe?”

“That’d be great, thanks,” I said.

She bustled behind the counter, leaning into the display case. “We have blueberry crumb and cinnamon chip muffins today.” Popping back up over the glass, she tipped her head to the side, waiting on my decision.

“I’ll take blueberry, thank you. And black coffee, with room for cream.”

“Coming right up.”

A few seconds later, I had a front-row seat to Main Street as it came alive, a warm muffin and a hot cup of coffee in hand. I could definitely see the attraction for Quinn if his mornings started like this every day.

“The muffin’s fantastic, thanks,” I murmured in between bites.

“It’s my Grandma Miller’s recipe. She loved blueberry everything.”

Delaney took a seat opposite me, resting her elbows on the table, chin in hand, and fixed her wide blue eyes on me. “So, you’re Liam from California.”

“Technically, I’m notfromCalifornia. I went to business school there and never left.”

“Hmmm. I might have to pick your brain on marketing strategies. You know—in your spare time. Quinn told me you’re taking over the store.”

I held up a hand. “Again, technically no. I’m here to help out. Don’t think I’ll be taking it over long-term.”

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