Page 103 of Chasing After Forever

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“Maybe next year. For our anniversary.”

“Anniversary?” I asked, wrinkling my brow. “Anniversary of what?”

The Ferris wheel slowed, then stopped at the very top of the circle.

“Uh-oh, is everything okay?” I asked, panic rising in my chest as our bucket swayed gently in the air.

“Relax, we’re good.”

I glanced over the edge of the bucket, looking out over the park, and noticed the candlelit table for two over by the blossoming peach trees. Beyond the table, next to the lake, a flicker of golden lights caught my eye. A huge wooden vintage sign spelled out MARRY ME, in bubbly, twinkly white lights.

“Oh. My.” I turned to Liam, who held an opened robin’s-egg blue box in one hand, the most exquisite square-cut diamond ring glinting up at me.

Taking my left hand in his, he said, “Macy Grace, I love you and have loved you from the very first day I laid eyes on you. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Will you please do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?”

My hand flew to my mouth in shock as my heart nearly exploded in my chest, bubbly excitement flowing through my veins.

“Yes, Liam, yes. I will most definitely marry you.” I leaned forward, kissing him long and hard on the lips, electric tingles shooting through me.

Eventually breaking away, he grinned at me as he slipped the ring onto my finger.

“Liam, it’s beautiful.” I turned my hand back and forth, the lights of the Ferris wheel glinting off the shiny diamond.

“It matches the necklace you left behind in Malibu,” he said in a quiet voice. “I had them both commissioned at the same time.”

“Really?” I murmured, meeting his gaze, my heart melting for this man.

“I knew you were the One, even then.” Gently, he reached over and took my face in his hands, dropping the softest, sweetest kiss onto my lips.

“I love you, Liam McCauliffe,” I murmured in between kisses.

“I love you, too, Mace. I can’t wait to start our lives together here.”

“Wait—what?” I asked, leaning back to peer at his face.

“Oh, right. I didn’t get to that part yet. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to take over the general store, move to Peachtree Grove permanently.”

“Really? What about Benji and Gabe and the winery job? Are you sure you want to stay here? It’s not very exciting,” I said, pointing out the obvious.

“I think I’ve had enough excitement. And Benji and Gabe understand. I’m going to finish out what I can on the app, then hand it over to their in-house tech guy. Believe it or not, I like Peachtree Grove more than I thought I would. If you’d rather move to California, though, we can. I just thought—”

I pressed my lips to his, effectively stopping the conversation. “I’d love to stay,” I whispered.

“Then I guess I’m home,” he said, grinning and pulling me close.

I nestled in tight, tucking up under his arm and inhaling his clean, fresh scent. “Welcome back home, Liam.”

A brilliant pink flash flew across the sky, followed by a bang, then another, then another.

“Fireworks? And in the shape of hearts? Liam!” I cried, clapping my hands together. “I love them!”

Pink and white fireworks exploded in the sky, lighting up the dark night, and I couldn’t stop smiling, an effervescent giddiness filling me all the way up. For the first time since my mom left, I was really and truly happy.

“Thank you, Liam. This is the absolute perfect night.” I gazed at him, taking in his strong jaw, his bright eyes, his warm smile.

“You’re welcome, Macy. Let’s have lots of perfect nights together.”

I pressed my lips against his, breathing in all his goodness. “Let’s.”

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