Page 87 of Turning Up the Heat

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“Holden. Don’t.”

“I shouldn’t have ghosted you, Delaney. At the time, it seemed like it was for the best, but now...” His voice trailed off, but his eyes stayed on mine as my heart hammered hard in my chest.

“Is that the only reason you want me to come back to New York?” I asked.

“No. But I’d be lying if I said it didn’t factor in. I still have feelings for you, Lane. I think about you all the time. We were good together. But even more than that—” he grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, “you are beyond talented. Having your bakery next to my restaurant would be so great. We could take Midtown by storm, Lane. Me and you.”

My face heated under his intense gaze and I could barely breathe.

“Lane.” He leaned in, cupping my face with his non-bloodied hand. “Tell me you’ve never thought about me or New York and I’ll go.”

I licked my bottom lip, stunned into silence.

Truth was, I couldn’t say that. Ihadthought about New York—a lot over the last month. Moving back there, pursuing my passion. Holden hadn’t factored in all that much, but here he was, dangling my dream right in front of me.

Holden dipped in towards me, moving into my space, his face inches from mine.

“Holden, stop.” I leaned back, away from the perfect model face I no longer lusted after. “The truth is, your offer is amazing. But I’m in love with Quinn.”

Holden sighed, deep and heavy, shaking his head. “Please come back, Lane. Even if it’s not for me. Do it for you. For the business.”

I exhaled, long and hard, as he dropped back into his chair, putting distance between us.

“I’ll think about it, Holden, but I need more time. There are a lot of details I’d need to work out.”

“But it’s not a no?” His right eyebrow quirked up with optimism.

“It’s a definite ‘no’ to us as a couple. But maybe not to us as business partners.”

Holden exhaled the breath he’d been holding.

“But it’s not a yes, either, so don’t go getting your hopes up,” I said. “I’m still processing.”

He stood, bending down and dropping a kiss into my hair. “Think about it, Lane. We could be great together.”



After the little bar brawl, Ryder and I had another beer, chatted up some of our friends, and then decided to call it a night. I checked and re-checked my phone, but still had no return calls or messages from Delaney.

Fine. I guess I’d head over to the bakery and we could talk in person. Probably better that way. I was more charming face to face.

Waving goodbye to Ryder, I walked down the empty street toLanie’s,enjoying the peace and quiet of the cold night after the stuffy, crowded bar. I relaxed a little, my chest finally loosening up; I could still turn things around with Delaney. I just needed to tell her how I felt. Probably easier said than done, but I could do it. I might even need to utter the word ‘sorry,’ but she was worth it.

I rounded the corner, slowing my pace and taking a few deep breaths. I rehearsed what I wanted to say a few times as I neared the bakery.Delaney, I’m sorry for not trusting you. I fully support you. We can make this work.

Delaney’s van was parked out front and a soft glow of light spilled onto the pavement. She must be working late, filling last-minute Christmas orders. I cleared my throat and shoved my hands deeper in my pockets, trying hard to ignore the gnawing pit in my stomach. I knew I’d feel better after we talked this out, but I wasn’t looking forward to the process.

I took the last few steps to the bakery, reaching my hand out to knock on the door, and froze.

Delaney wasn’t alone.

Fucking Holden was there, sitting next to her in the café, with an icepack on his feeble little paw. What a baby. I hadn’t even squeezed that hard.

Their heads were close together, practically inches apart, then all of a sudden he was standing and kissing her on the head.

What the fuck?

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