Page 74 of Turning Up the Heat

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“And true.”

“So no pressure, huh? Don’t blow it. Now I have both you and Josh on my back. And probably Mars, too.” I rolled my eyes, crossed and uncrossed my legs, less relaxed by the second.

“Don’t forget about Mom.”

I tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling. “Her too?’

“Oh yeah. You were a hot topic after Sunday supper.”

“Ugh. And that’s exactly why I don’t bring girls around,” I said, taking another long swig of beer.

“Well, Mom freaking loved her. She called me at work on Monday and couldn’t stop raving about how much she loved ‘that sweet Delaney.’”

“Oh geez,” I said, dropping my head into my hands.Why did I think I could keep my love life private in this family?

“Hey, at least she liked her. Correction: loved her. Now you just have to seal the deal.”

Knots clenched in my stomach. Things with Delaney were moving pretty quick. I liked quick, but typically it was more along the lines of a quick lay. My relationship with Delaney was the polar opposite of that. Sure, it had started out that way, but she meant more to me and that had me all shook up. I’d gone down that path with Julia and look howthathad turned out. Scorched fucking earth. Couldn’t blame me for being more than a little gun-shy. It’d taken me three years to date someone again. But it was too late to quit Delaney now.

“It’s all good, Quinn. She’s not going to burn you like Julia.” Ryder paused his stirring, meeting my gaze. “She’s a completely different person. Nothing like her.”

My shoulders relaxed, tension leaking from my body at Ryder’s words. He was right; Delaney and Julia were nothing alike. Julia was a rolling stone, never comfortable with small-town living. Delaney was totally at ease here. Delaney was home.

“Man, I hope so. Words have been exchanged.” I swallowed hard over the admission, my throat dry despite the beer.

“What? Really? Mom will be thrilled.”

“Do not tell Mom.”

“Obviously, bro. But that’s huge for you. I’m impressed.” He slapped my back again, grinning. “Good job, Quinn. You’re less of a caveman than I thought.”

“Shut up. I was in a tight spot. But yeah, it’s looking serious.”

Ryder let out a low whistle, shaking his head. “Good for you, man.”

“That sauce almost ready? I’m starving,” I said, nodding at the pan, eager to change the subject. Even though we were close, this was way too much discussion of feelings for my liking.

“Looks ready. Charlie! Dinner!” Ryder called, dropping an oven mitt, and carrying the sauce to the table.

I exhaled, relieved to move on, knowing Ryder wouldn’t discuss either Delaney or Bree in front of Charlie. Saved by the kid. I’d never been so happy to talk about Santa and his elves as I was right then.

After dinner, Ryder went to tuck Charlie into bed, leaving me to clean up the dirty dishes. I loaded the last plate into the dishwasher just as my phone buzzed. Another text, this time from Delaney.

D:I miss you. Come over.

I felt kinda bad bailing on Ryder, but I hadn’t seen Delaney since Sunday and, much as I hated to admit it, I had missed her as well. I typed out a quick response:

Q:How early do you have to get up tmrw AM? I missed you too. Might be a long pm

D: I like the sound of that. You better get here soon. I do have to be up by 7

Q: On my way

Damn, I’d lost all my game at this point. But it’s not like she didn’t already know where she stood. No point messing around.

“Ryder, hate to eat and run, but I’ve gotta jet. Kitchen is clean,” I said, popping my head into Charlie’s room. “’Night, little buddy. See you later.”

“Really? I thought we were gonna work on the thing,” Ryder said, frowning, the soft glow of Charlie’s bedside lamp emphasizing his pout.

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