Page 56 of Turning Up the Heat

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“Yeah. Minimalist, dark gray palette, soothing tones. Cool and calm.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“It was a compliment.” I stood on tiptoe, placing my hands on his muscular chest, and dropped a soft, slow kiss on his lips. Quinn responded, opening his mouth to me, pressing his strong body up against my soft curves. I wound my hands around his neck, my fingertips tracing the edge of his sharp hairline. He groaned as his muscles hardened under my touch, heat building between us. His hands moved from my waist to my rear, gripping and pulling me even tighter to him.

Lightning flashed, a sudden burst of brightness in the darkened room, followed by a low rumble of thunder.

“Were you planning on going home tonight?” Quinn looked down at me.

“Is that your not-so-subtle way of asking me to spend the night?”

“I’m known for my directness,” he said, caressing my rear.

“The bakery doesn’t open until noon. I can stay,” I said, shimmying against his thigh.

Another clap of thunder sounded, rumbling the apartment floor. The idea of lying in bed with Quinn during the storm was highly romantic and infinitely more appealing than going home to my empty apartment in the rain.

“Good.” Quinn took my face in his hands and kissed me, grazing my lips with his teeth. I moaned, softening under his touch. He ran his hands down the sides of my body and I shivered under his palms. He slowly untucked my blouse, skimming his thumbs along the smooth skin of my stomach.

Quinn stepped back and lifted my shirt, inch by inch, his flinty gaze locked on me. Once the fabric was to my shoulders, I took over, yanking it over my head.

“No need to rush, Cupcake, we’ve got all night,” he teased. I responded by tossing the rest of my clothes to the floor, except for my black bra and panties.

His pupils widened as he eyed me up and down, taking me all in. “But I’m certainly not complaining about the view.” He stepped in close to me, erasing what little distance remained between us. Using only his index finger, he traced a soft line from the curve of my neck, over my shoulder, down and back up again, crisscrossing to my chest. Outlining the rise of my breasts, he trailed his finger down between them, all the way to my belly button.

I let out a soft moan as he ran his finger across my stomach, tracing the low V of my panties, followed the line to my back, stroked my ass. He dropped his lips onto mine, kissing me softly at first, then with more urgency. I opened my mouth to him, tasted the saltiness of his tongue as it tangled with mine.

My fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, flying over each quicker than the last. Quinn was right—I was in a rush. I wanted to feel his body on me, inside me. I didn’t want anything—or anyone—coming between us. Desire pulsed through me as my heart hammered hard in my chest. I finally undid the last button and my hands snaked up his torso, my palms flat against his chiseled pecs. Heat shimmered off his skin, raw masculinity radiating from his veins. He pressed his firm body to mine and I answered back, kissing him with the urgency bubbling up within me. Quinn responded, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight against his warm skin. A flash of lightning lit up the room for a split second, and I snuck a quick peek at his face, the outline of his strong jaw, his high cheekbones. He was damn good looking.

Thunder crashed, low and long, then came the rain. Hard, angry pelts hit the window.

“You’re committed now, Cupcake,” Quinn said, his voice low and gravelly with lust.

“Best decision I’ve made all day.” I smiled at him through lowered lashes and he grinned back, easing me down onto his bed.

“I’ll prove you right on that.” He stripped off his jeans and knelt down between my thighs. “That’s for damn sure.”

Grasping my hips, he pulled me to the edge of the bed, then slid my panties down my thighs until they hit the floor. He gently spread my legs apart and dipped down to my core, licking and sucking with equal parts delicacy and pressure.

Staring up at the ceiling, I exhaled a soft sigh. “You were right—you definitely do understand pressure.”

Quinn chuckled between my thighs, the low vibrations sending lovely quakes through my body. He swirled his tongue on my clit and I moaned, arching my hips up, gripping his shoulders.

“Quinn,” I whispered, my voice low and breathy.

“Mmm-hmmm,” he said, not breaking his rhythm.

“I want you inside me. Now.”

Without a word, he stood, grabbing protection from his nightstand, dropping his boxers and sheathing up. He straddled me and I wrapped my legs around his firm ass, pulling him closer. I loved his clean scent, the hard lines of his muscles. We locked eyes as he pushed into me, filling me all the way up.

Gazing at him, my heart pounded hard in my chest. I hadn’t felt like this with anyone and the thought terrified and excited me all at the same time.

“Quinn,” I whispered, as he rocked against my body, slowly picking up speed. My hands splayed across his back as I contracted around him, my muscles tensing with each thrust.

“Delaney,” he murmured with a half-smile before dropping his mouth onto mine. I opened to him, our tongues tangling together, my pulse racing. Every fiber of my being burned for him at that moment, my skin hot and flushed. He drove into me until I finally shattered around him, then he followed my lead, coming hard inside me.

A dull boom of thunder echoed in the distance. Quinn collapsed next to me, his breathing shallow and ragged. He lifted his arm, pulling me in close, his skin warm. I nestled in, my head resting on his bare chest, the sound of the rain syncopating with the light thud of his heartbeat. My body relaxed as he gently stroked my hair, our legs coiled together in his cool sheets.

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