Page 41 of Turning Up the Heat

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“Deal,” I murmured back as she straddled me, making me forget all about Julia.



“Quinn was engaged? Really? I didn’t peg him as the marrying type,” Mars said, stroking his chin and staring out the bakery window as if he were contemplating life.

“Wait, what the hell? Why would you encourage me to date someone who’s not the marrying type?” I asked.

“Lanie, I’m not talking about you. Obviously,youhave certain charms that can make men come around. I’m talking about, like, in general,” Mars said, backpedaling.

“Hmmph,” I grumbled, pursing my lips. I wasn’t sure I believed him, as I’d not had a whole lot of luck in the dating department thus far.

“Besides, I didn’t think you were even interested in getting married.” Mars shot me a questioning look, one brow raised high.

“I’m not. Not right now, anyway. But if the right guy came along, I might be persuaded.” I doodled on my notepad, tiny hearts floating next to the Christmas cookie list I’d made for the tree lighting.

“But now that you mention it, he does seem a bit, I don’t know, wounded or something. So that explains it.” Mars cocked his head, tapping a finger against his unfairly high cheekbone.

“Great. So you’ve basically pushed me into a relationship with a wounded, moody man. Perfect.” I shook my head, one foot tapping in agitation under the table.

Mars tsked. “Don’t go getting all uppity, Ms. Thang. Last time I checked, you’re not exactly marriage material yourself.”

“Rude,” I said, scoffing.

“Seriously, when’s the last time you were in a relationship longer than six weeks?” He stared at me, his eyes dark, daring me to challenge him.

I crossed my legs to keep from bouncing and looked up at the ceiling. “Um,” I said, chewing my lower lip. “A year ago? Holden?”

“Nope. That was a year and a half ago,” Mars said, correcting me.

“What are you, like, keeping track?”

“Girl, I’m living vicariously through you. I sure as hell am not finding anyone here in Peachtree Grove. So your romance is going to have to keep me warm at night.” He pointed at me, then at himself, just to make the point.

“No pressure...”

Mars reached his hand out, patting my arm. “It’ll be okay. But in real life—don’t screw this up.” His dark chocolate eyes were serious. “Men like Quinn don’t come around every day. He’s a keeper.”

I rolled my eyes. “Got it, Boss. I’ll try not to screw it up.” A tiny twinge of worry wriggled in my gut, thinking back to last night with Quinn.

“Wait—what’s that look?” Mars narrowed his eyes at me. “I recognize that face. What are you worried about, sugar?”

“It’s nothing,” I said, waving aside his concern.

“Uh-uh. Spill.”

I wrung my hands, biting down hard on my lip. “It’s this thing with Holden. The bakery offer.”

Mars inhaled, a sharp, high-pitched whirr. “Let me guess—you haven’t told Quinn.”

I nodded, scrunching up my nose. Mars knew me.

“What are you going to do? Are you going to take the deal?”

Shrugging, I said, “I don’t know, Mars. It’s a good offer on paper. And you know how I feel about New York. But I have this bakery, and Quinn….” My voice trailed off, my heart squeezing hard in my chest. I couldn’t imagine leaving Peachtree Grove right now, to be honest.

Mars rubbed my arm. “I get it. It’s hard. You should probably at least mention it to Quinn, though.”

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