Page 36 of Turning Up the Heat

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“Huh,” Ben said, shrugging.

“As in McCauliffe? That Quinn? Like, my buddy? Since middle school?” Josh raised his eyebrows, confused.

I nodded. “Yeah. That one.”

“Huh. Probably not your best idea, Lane,” Josh said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, plunging my hands into the hot, soapy dishwater.

“I love the guy, but he has a terrible track record. Like, epically bad.” Josh raked a hand through his hair, his eyes narrowed.

“Well, geez, with friends like you, who needs enemies?” I joked, shaking my head.

“Just looking out for you, little sis,” Josh said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “It’s really none of my business who you decide to date, but consider yourself warned.”

“Okay. I won’t tell him you said that.” I scrubbed the serving platter in my hands harder than was strictly necessary.

“That’s no news to him,” Josh said, shrugging. Then he walked out of the kitchen.

“You brought pie, right?” Ben asked, handing me yet another dirty dish.

“Yeah, Ben, I brought pie.”

“Cool. Good luck with Quinn. Hope it works out.” He grinned at me, then followed in Josh’s wake, leaving me alone in the kitchen with the rest of the dirty dishes.

Well, could have gone worse. No threats or broken bones yet, so I’ll chalk that up as a win, I suppose. And on the bright side, no one asked me specifically about our level of relationship, so there’s that...

Sue Ann burst through the door, startling me. She practically slid across the kitchen floor until she was at my sudsy elbow.

“Ohmygod, you’re sleeping with Quinn McCauliffe!” she half-whispered, fanning herself.

“Sue Ann!” I gasped, feigning surprise.

“Don’t hold out on me, you totally are! I won’t go into it with your brother, but wow. Just wow.” She shook her head in awe.

I ignored the accusation, keeping my eyes on the dish I was busy drying.

“I can’t believe Josh isn’t more upset, honestly,” I said. “I mean, it’s hisbest friend.”

“I don’t think he really took it all the way there. But don’t worry—your secret’s safe with me.” Sue Ann winked, like we were in on some big conspiracy or something, then shot me a huge grin. “Wow.”

“Thanks, Sue Ann. I owe you. Congrats, by the way.” I hugged my sister-in-law.

I also wondered if I’d regret this decision. The entire town would be talking about it by tomorrow and there was no turning back now. I really hoped my judgment had improved since my last disastrous relationship back in New York—and that the rumors about Quinn were all wrong.



“Why does every amateur chef decide to fry the damn turkey on Thanksgiving?” I asked, swinging into the firetruck and slamming the door.

“I don’t know, man, but I’m glad I’m off on Christmas,” said Nick, a fellow firefighter from my station. “We definitely got the short stick working today.”

“Yeah, Thanksgiving is brutal. Only day that’s worse is the Fourth of July.” I leaned my head back against the seat, exhausted. This last fire had been a doozy, raging out of control by the time we got all the way out to the property at the edge of town. Five-plus acres were blazing and there was no hydrant in sight. Luckily, we had enough water on the truck, but hauling the hose wasn’t easy, and my shoulders were screaming at me right now.

“What was that, the third call today?” Nick asked.

“Fourth, I think. They need to ban fryers. Or at least make people take a class or watch a video or something. Dangerous as hell.” I shook my head, picking at an angry callous my glove rubbed raw.

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