Page 34 of Turning Up the Heat

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I launched into a bunch of stories about the week: the pie baking, all the orders we’d had, the great Hadley mix-up (Mars delivered the order to Senior, not Junior, Hadley), which was a total fiasco. By the end of the monologue, even my brothers were laughing, so at least I lightened the mood.

Sue Ann popped her head into the family room. “Guys, dinner’s almost ready! Everyone wash your hands, okay? Josh, I need your help with the turkey.” She whisked him and the kids out and Ben followed, leaving me alone with my dad and Mars.

“Lanie.” My dad reached for my hand, his ocean-blue eyes misting up.

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He swiped at his face. “I just want you to know I’m really proud of what you’ve built. Your mother would be, too.”

“Dad,” I said softly, my voice wavering.

“You did it, Lanie. You too, Mars.” He gave Mars an appreciative look and Mars nodded solemnly. “The place looks great and I know you’ll continue to be successful. I couldn’t be prouder.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” I said, laying my head on his shoulder. “That means a lot.”

“Dinner!” Josh bellowed from the dining room.

“Coming!” I cried. I hated to leave this moment, especially given the conversation I’d promised Quinn I’d have with my family. Time was ticking and I’d mentioned today as the day.

Such a dumb move. What was my plan for the big reveal?

Hey, turkey tastes great, can I have more green beans? Oh, and by the way, I’m having sex with your best friend. Cheers!

Why did I have to make everything so freaking complicated? I could have hooked up with anyone else in the entire world and it would have been fine. But no. Had to be Quinn McCauliffe.

Why couldn’t I have just found a nice accountant?

* * *

“Everything tastes great, Sue Ann,” Mars said, digging into his second helping of homemade mashed potatoes. I had no idea how he stayed so thin.

“Thanks. I had some help.” She gazed lovingly at Josh across the table and I wondered if I’d ever feel that way about Quinn. I’d never even considered anyone in that way, so that was saying something.

“I’m so thankful we could all be together today,” my dad said, getting teary again.Ugh,this was so hard.“To have both boys off from the station and Lanie back home. Plus, Mars and the kids. We’re truly blessed.” He raised a glass and we all toasted, clinking glasses.

There was a rare moment of quiet and I cleared my throat, ready to finally broach the subject of Quinn. Josh must not have heard it though, because he ran right over me.

“Sue, should we. . .?” He stared down the table at Sue Ann and the room went still.

“Oh my gosh, everything’s okay, right guys?” A familiar panic rose in my chest like a bubbling geyser. This family did not need another catastrophe.

“Yeah, everything’s great,” Josh nodded, reassuring me.

Sue Ann flushed a bright pink, twisted her napkin in her hands. “Go ahead, Josh. You tell them.”

Unable to contain himself, Josh cried, “We’re having another baby!”

Sue Ann beamed from her seat at the head of the table, a radiant glow on her face.

My heart flip-flopped. Well, hell. No way was I going to make an announcement now. I’d have to wait until later, when I could get my brothers alone.

“I’m so happy you all know now! It was getting hard to keep it a secret,” Sue Ann said, patting her still-flat tummy.

“When’s the baby due?” I asked, already planning the baby shower.

“This summer.” Sue Ann smiled.

“Congrats!” Mars said, shooting me a look. “So happy for you guys!”

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