Page 13 of Turning Up the Heat

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The bakery lot was packed. I throttled down on my bike, easing it next to a compact Toyota.

“Quinn, hey!” My brother’s girlfriend, Bree, waved at me from the sidewalk. She was hot, no doubt, with her long blond hair and sophisticated style, but way too uptight for my taste. Perfect for Ryder, though. He and Bree vibed because he was good at compromising and taking direction. Neither have ever been my strong suit.

“Hey, Cali, what’s up?” I nodded at her, hanging my helmet on my bike. The nickname was a running joke between us, since she’d recently moved to Peachtree Grove from the West Coast after getting involved with my brother.

“Just thought I’d stop by and check out the new bakery, show my support for fellow small business owners.” She smoothed her hair down with a perfectly manicured hand.

“Nice, I’m sure Delaney will appreciate it.”

Bree cocked her blond head at my mention of Delaney, but I was rescued by Josh’s wife, Sue Ann, rushing out of the bakery to greet us.

“Bree! Quinn! How sweet of y’all to come out and support my sister-in-law. C’mon in, she’s got some great samples and the homemade peach tea is to die for!”

Sue Ann took hold of our elbows, ushering us into the vanilla warmth ofLanie’s.

The place looked great. Delaney and Mars must have stayed up the last twenty-four because the once-industrial looking space now felt warm and cozy. Delaney had painted the wall leading to the kitchen a robin’s-egg blue, which matched the metal chairs. Pop holiday music played softly in the background and the smells of chocolate, cinnamon, and vanilla had my stomach grumbling.

“Gosh, this place looks fantastic,” Bree said, sipping the tea Sue Ann had thrust upon us. “Vintage chic at its best. I love the lighting; the Mason jar lights are so cute. And the tables are festive, all decked out for Christmas already. And that cake! Look at those magnolias.” She gestured at the huge white cake displayed on a table with sample menus and business cards.

“Don’t you just love the macarons?” Sue Ann gushed, pointing to a towering display of French pastries in pastel colors. “It’s like the crown jewel of the counter!”

“This place could be in downtown LA,” Bree said, her voice borderline reverent.

“That’s a high compliment coming from Cali,” I teased.

“Wow, be sure to tell Lanie, she’ll be so pleased,” Sue Ann said, beaming.

“Tell Lanie what?” Delaney appeared at Sue Ann’s side, looking damn sexy in a silk cobalt blouse and tight jeans. Her hair was loose, falling onto her shoulders in waves. She was a real knock-out.

“Hi! I was just saying that your bakery is so cute and chic, it could definitely be in LA.” Bree smiled at her, extending her hand. “I’m Bree, by the way. My practice—I’m a relationship and dating expert—is just down the block. It’s great to meet you.”

“Delaney Miller. Dating expert, huh? Bet that comes in handy.” Delaney smiled, shaking Bree’s outstretched hand. “And I’m glad to hear you like the décor. Mars and I were going for a vintage vibe, but nothing too kitschy.”

“Well, I’d say you nailed it,” Bree said, waving up at the chalkboard menu. “It’s perfect. I can’t wait to try everything here!”

Delaney laughed. “Super! You’ll be one of my best customers then. Maybe we could barter services. Before I end up with a cat.”

“C’mon, I’ll get you some samples.” Sue Ann whisked Bree away to the cake table, leaving me alone with Delaney.

“Hey,” I said, squaring up my shoulders. “The place looks great.”

“Thanks. I’m pretty exhausted, but it was worth it. We’ve had a good turn-out so far.” She smiled up at me, twirling a stray lock of her hair.

“Well, you don’t look exhausted.”

She blushed, tucking her hand into the back pocket of her jeans. “So, has anyone else flunked their fire inspection? Or was that just me?” She gazed up at me, her marine eyes sparkling under the warm lights.

I chuckled. “No, not in the last ten hours. But there’s always next week.”

“So you’re off-duty for the weekend, then?”

“Yeah, for the next glorious forty-eight.”

“Nice,” she shook her head appreciatively. “I’ve just signed up for a lifetime of twenty-four-seven shifts. Real smart career move.”

“But all the cake you can eat,” I said, waving at the display case.

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