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I tried to squeeze through as quietly as possible; no need to alert my mom and sister to the fact I’d been out all night. Then I tiptoed down the hall to the kitchen in search of strong coffee.

“Were you out all night?” Violet sat at the table, her legs folded criss-cross applesauce beneath her, her hands in front of her heart innamasteposition.

I inhaled sharply and her eyes narrowed, just like they did back when I was younger and snuck out.

Fuck it. I was a grown-ass woman and paid my own bills.I stuck my chest out, straightening my shoulders. “No, I wasn’t ‘out.’ I was with Grant. At his house.”

Violet shook her head, her top knot wobbling precariously. She blew out a slow stream of air, then hissed in through her teeth, exhaled again.

“What’s it to ya?” I couldn’t help but add, throwing one hand on my hip, defiant.

“It’s your life, do what you want. I’m just warning you—he’s complicated, Lana. You’re used to easy, independent, free. You don’t know what you’re getting into.” She broke her namaste pose, wagging her finger at me over the table.

“Excuse me?” I said, fiery anger bubbling up inside me, my chest constricting. “You think I live an easy, independent life? Beth and I have been on our own since high school, Violet! When Dad died and things were an absolute fricking disaster, you left, dammit! You abandoned us when we needed you the most. So don’t you dare sit there and tell me all about my ‘free, independent’ lifestyle. I’ve been adulting a long damn time—more than you have, off in your collective.”

Violet sat back in the chair, folding her hands calmly on the table, nonplussed. “Are you finished? Do you feel better having unloaded that off your chest?”

I let out a small whoosh of air.Honestly, not really, but I wasn’t going to admit that to her.

“Yes, much,” I said, whirling on my heel to escape the confines of the tiny kitchen. As I moved past her, Violet reached out, gripping my arm.

“I know you think you understand what you’re getting into. But you don’t. You can’t fathom the crushing feeling of being responsible for a life, another human. It’s a lot, Lana. Especially for people like you and me.”

“Violet,” I said, locking my eyes on hers, my heart thudding hard. “I am nothing like you.”

I wrested my arm away and stalked to my bedroom, all the good mojo from last night with Grant well and fully evaporated.

* * *

I seethedabout my encounter with Violet all damn day. The only thing I looked forward to was the slight possibility Grant would pick Huddy up from swimming, but that didn’t even pan out. Taylor the nanny sat through his lesson, much to my and Huddy’s chagrin.

“Bye, Lana! See you later!” Huddy called out, waving at me as he padded out to the parking lot, his wet flip-flops squeaking behind Taylor.

“Bye, bud! See you!” I didn’t comment on the timing because maybe I’d see him later? I just wasn’t sure. I hated to invite myself over to Grant’s two nights in a row, and I hadn’t heard anything from him all day.

Maybe Violet was right.The thought crept in out of nowhere.

I shook my head, drying my hair with my towel, trying to dislodge this troublesome idea.

No. Impossible. She doesn’t know me. And she certainly doesn’t know Grant.

I threw on my t-shirt and shorts, checking my phone one last time.

Yes! A text.

Clicking on the green bubble, my heart sunk when I saw it was from Bethany.No offense, sis.

B: Let’s grab dinner out tonight. I need to get out of this house. Too much Violet time.

I texted back.

Okay. Big Chowder?

Three seconds later, my phone dinged with a text back.

B: Yes. Meet you there.

Well, okay then. Glad I kept a change of clothes in my locker because apparently I was heading straight to dinner.

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