Page 19 of He Falls First

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How are you even in my contacts?

I have my ways.

That’s either very comforting or very disturbing.

It’s your best bet to go with disturbing.

Not a lot of guys would admit their behavior is creepy. Points for that.

Wait. Points for what, exactly?

It’s not like I’m considering dating him. He’s from here. I’m about to be fired. However I did give him that kiss, so it’s entirely my fault if he’s taken that to mean something it’s not.

We’re safe and snug. Esme had a big day, and she’s tuckered out.

And you? Am I keeping you awake?

Nah. It’s pretty much over for me here, so I’m just scrambling, trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the semester. I gave up my job on campus to come here.

Don’t give up yet. Esme likes having you around. I can tell. She won’t let that house manager fire you. She’s in one piece, and the house is still standing. How dire could it be?

How do you know the castle isn’t in pieces?

Because I’m looking at it.

I drop my phone on the bed as all the hair on the back of my neck stands up straight. I practically fly from the bed to the window facing the main driveway. I throw open the curtain and look down.

Rowan’s truck is there, parked behind my rental. His tall frame leans against the side, and he stares up at my window and waves.

My bare feet don’t register the cold stone corridor as I sprint from my room to the stairs. I push through the front doors and take the steps at a run, my toes now numb from the cold.

“Whoa, slow down, Briar.”

“What are you doing here?” I hiss. “How did you get through the gate?”

“Uh,” he starts, gazing at my chest and then glancing away. Even in the moonlight, I can see him blushing. I look down and see that I’ve forgotten to put on a robe over this flimsy nightshirt, and the outlines of my tight nipples show through the material.

Instinctively, I cross my arms over my breasts.

He still looks away as he explains, “Second question first. I got lucky and the gate responds to emergency strobe lights.”

“You used the emergency light on your truck to stalk me?!” I squeak.

He doesn’t reply at first, just looks at me sheepishly.

“Well?” I ask.

“I needed to see you.”


He finally meets my gaze, and we stare at each other for a moment. Rowan showered since I saw him last. He no longer smells like a bonfire, and he wears a clean black tee shirt that sets off the honey in his damp hair. The clean scent coming off him is begging me to get closer. And then, this thought: he showered…for me.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“About that kiss, for starters.”

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