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My eyes return to the sky as I giggle to myself, and we float in silence side by side for a few minutes, just enjoying the peacefulness of nature. Every so often I hear the faint pop of fireworks being set off or the thump of music as cars pass in the distance. But thankfully, it’s pretty quiet on this end of the lake, considering it’s still a holiday.

“So…looked like Junie had a great time tonight,” Reid says after a few minutes. “Was the party a success?”

I grin. “Aresoundingsuccess. Themostsuccessful.”

“Good. I’m so glad.”

“Nights like tonight make it all worth it, you know?”

“Makes what worth it?”

“The move. Coming here. It was for this, the chance for her to be with her family. Surrounded by people who love her, who want to…celebrateher, because they know she deserves it.”

“Shedoesdeserve it,” he tells me, his voice so certain.

I hum in acknowledgment then spread my arms wider, moving my exhausted limbs in gentle circles.

“She’s staying at your mom’s tonight, right?”

I sink down into the water, submerging my body up to my shoulders.


Reid chuckles. “You sound so sad about it.”

I laugh, too. “I’m not,” I say, though I know it’s not true as soon as the words are out of my mouth. “Okay, maybe I am. Part of me feels like Ishouldbe ecstatic to have a night completely to myself, but…I’ve never been away from Junie like this before.”

Reid sinks into the water as well, giving me a sweet smile. “You freaking out a little bit?”

“A little bit. But it feels…ridiculous.”

“Hey.” He swims closer to me so we’re just a foot or so apart. “It’s not ridiculous. That’s your kid. It’s okay to be nervous for something like this.”

Taking a deep breath, I nod. “Thanks.”

I don’t know why, but it felt like I needed that, needed permission to miss her.

It’s only one night, but it’s still new, still a transition. And one we didn’t plan for, either. I didn’t even have time to worry about all the things because it was just…happening, me tucking her into bed at my mom’s and kissing her forehead then driving away.

I dunk my head under the water and scrub at my face, refusing to let myself cry, then break through the surface again.

“So how about you?” I ask, shifting the conversation away from me and anything else that might bring up emotions I’d rather not focus on right now. “What didyouthink of the party?”

Reid grins and grips the dock with one arm. “It was great. I’ve been to a few kid parties in my day with Leo and Nina, but this one was pretty spectacular. I mean, there were fireworks.”

I roll my eyes at his tease and swim over to the dock as well, grasping the ladder and hoisting myself up before plopping down on the edge, my feet dangling in the water.

“But you’re glad you came? To the party?”

Reid’s head tilts to the side, eyeing me. “Of course.”

“I just…you took off work, so…” My voice trails off, and I hope I don’t sound as needy as I feel.

Thankfully, Reid chuckles briefly before his tone becomes more sincere again. “Busy, life is too short not to do the exact thing you want to be doing,” he tells me. “I wanted to be there, so I made it happen.”

He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Like it didn’t just…heal something in my heart to see him put my daughter first, especially when he hasnoobligation to do that.

When I don’t respond, Reid climbs up the ladder and takes a seat next to me, his thigh pressed against mine, our arms grazing.

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