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“Hey, if that’s how you see it…” he replies, smiling.

Rolling my eyes, I return my attention to the bookshelf we just finished maneuvering into place. These thingsarereally heavy, but the last thing I want today is my brother-in-law, who I love on most occasions, giving me advice on how to lift something. I’ll do it how I want, thank you very much.

Okay, so maybe I’m a bit testy.

It’s been a long few days of unloading box after box after box of books, plus finishing up the last bit of paint on the back wall once Briar picked a new shade of green. Now, we’re setting up the shelves, and they arefarheavier than I was expecting. Not to mention the temps in Cedar Point have been rising steadily, which wouldn’t be such a problem if there wasn’t also a record high in humidity. Junie hasn’t been sleeping well, and neither have I.

So, yeah, not quite at my best today.

I move over to where the last bookshelf is waiting in the corner. I squat, bracing my core, and once Andy has counted it off, we lift and walk it over to the opposite wall.

“You’re right,” I tell him, once we’ve gotten it in the right spot. “It was easier your way. Sorry for being a brat. It’s just been a long week.”

He shrugs, an easy smile on his face. “Don’t worry about it, Busy. We all have off days. You need any more help before I head out?”

I shake my head. “No, I’ve got it from here. Thanks.”

Andy gives me a wave then heads into the office where Briar is working to say goodbye to her, leaving me to the rest of my work.

Things in the store are picking up pace, Briar’s vision beginning to truly come together the closer and closer we get to opening day. The plan is to open Happily Ever After on Fourth of July weekend to capitalize on the crowds, so the pressure of that looming date, less than ten days away, makes every moment feel important. Thankfully, it feels like the last true task is to get the books on the shelves. Though it would feel a lot easier to do if we had more hands than just mine and Briar’s.

I make quick work of wiping down all the shelves now that they’re all in place, and then I take a break, wandering out onto Main Street and over to Ugly Mug. With how poorly I’ve been sleeping, splurging on some caffeine to boost me up for the rest of the day doesn’t feel like a waste.

Once I have my coffee in hand, I take a seat outside in the shade, enjoying the light breeze that’s funneling off the lake and wafting through downtown. Now, if only that breeze would blow theotherway and whip through my house.Thatwould be something special.

My phone rings, and when I look at the screen, my heart falls.

Incoming Call: Jay

I know why he’s calling. I can feel it in my bones. And to be honest, right now, I don’t have the strength to deal with it, another instance of him letting Junie down—lettingmedown. I send it to voicemail, slip my sunglasses on, and take another sip of my iced coffee.

Jay is the kind of guy who likes to believe he’s a stand-up man, but in reality, he does whatever it is that makeshimthe most happy, regardless of anyone else. What that looks like is an inability to be faithful in a relationship, a lack of interest in showing up when he says he will, and absolutely no clue why someone he has let down is upset with him.

It’s pretty infuriating.

Thankfully, I clocked the kind of man he was beneath all that smooth charm, which allowed me to make decisions with logic instead of emotion—not an easy feat when your body is overwhelmed by hormones. If Ihadgone by pure emotion, Jay and I would be married right now, he’d be cheating on me left and right, and I’dstillbe at home by myself with a toddler.

Cheers to choosing a better life for my kid over a man.

Once I’ve finished most of my coffee, I head back across the street, intent on returning to the bookstore. But as I do, my eyes flick across the businesses on Main Street, snagging on Cohen Custom just a few doors down.

Before I can think too much about why I want to pop in, I walk the short distance and tug open one of the two glass doors, heading inside. It’s been years since I’ve been in this place, but it still smells exactly the same: like freshly cut pine and that earthy scent that comes from old leather. It takes me back to the dayswhen I would slip in here and wander around, sitting in all the different chairs, as if there was any chance I would be buying a piece of furniture. In reality, I was taking my sweet time, hoping to run into Reid. Just over a decade later, clearly, not a lot has changed.

I step up next to a beautiful wooden chair with a dark green leather cushion and take a seat, loving the way my body sinks into it, like it’s already been broken in. I could use a chair like this back at the house. I mean, I could useanyliving room furniture, but this is just so…

I flip up the price tag and wince.

Shit. More than a month of my rent. No wonder it’s so damn comfortable.

“That chair is one of a kind.”

I glance up, smiling at the employee. Heather, I think. The daughter of one of my mom’s friends. “I don’t doubt it.”

“Each of our pieces are crafted from some of the best wood in the country, cut right here in Northern California. And the leather you’re sitting on was made using natural tanning methods. So, no toxic chemicals.”

I nod then rub my hand along the soft grain of the armrest. “It’s beautiful.”

“Are you interested in purchasing a piece for your home today?”

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