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Busy squeezes my hand with hers. “Me, too.”



… seven years later …

“I know you’re planning something,” Reid says as he steps up behind me at the mirror, his arms sliding gently around my waist and pulling me snug against him. “You’ve always been a horrible liar.”

“I don’t knowwhatyou’re talking about.” I smirk as I put on my second earring, a simple gold hoop set that Junie gave me for my birthday last year. “Besides,” I continue, my eyes connecting with his in the mirror, “if somethingwasplanned, is there any harm in just letting it be a surprise?”

He chuckles and presses a kiss against my neck, then he inhales, his eyes closed. I lower my hands to rest on top of his, enjoying the quiet intimacy of how it feels when he holds me like this, the way my blood begins to heat just slightly.

I’ve heard about the seven-year itch, but I can’t begin to fathom what it must feel like. Each passing day makes me wantmoretime with my husband, and I’d bet my life he’d say he feels the same about me.

“You look beautiful,” Reid says, his eyes opening and his gaze raking me up and down in the mirror. “Have I seen this dress before?”

I shake my head. “Briar picked it out when we did that trip to San Francisco.”

He hums, the sound low and gravelly and sending a ripple down my spine. “Well, I like it,” he tells me, his thumb caressing my hip.

We make a striking pair in our reflection, each dressed to the nines, something we so rarely have the occasion to do. It’s a special celebration tonight, and that means a chance to get a little gussied up, even if we’re just going to the other side of the lake.

“I especially like,” Reid continues, his hand dipping lower and finding the short hem of my blue floral dress, “how soft it is.”

I inhale softly when his fingers slide between my thighs and gently stroke the skin just below the edge of my underwear.

“We don’t have time for this,” I mumble, though my protest is half-hearted at best.

We’re running a little late, and I know people are waiting for us, but I wait with bated breath to see what he’ll do. Anticipation threads through me as he traces my bare skin, teasing me, his eyes still locked on mine in the mirror.

“We canalwaysmake time for the things that are important,” he says back, his words a whisper. “Isn’t that right?”

I hum in response, my mouth opening slightly when Reid drags his thumb over my clit, the material of my panties still a barrier between us. Instead of shifting them to the side, he just stays right there, stroking me through the fabric, his movements infuriatingly slow. My breathing picks up, and even though we’re several feet from the mirror, I can still see the flush in my face and the frantic need growing in my eyes.

“God, I love how you still respond to me,” he says, his other hand roving, his pace leisurely as he caresses my body…my hip, my stomach, my breasts…before resting gently on my neck.

Then he tilts my head to the side and presses his mouth to the skin there, his tongue stroking against my pulse.

“Reid.” His name falls from my lips like an exaltation, and he groans quietly in my ear beforefinallyslipping his fingers beneath the fabric and gliding them through the slick wetness between my lower lips. I close my eyes at the relief his touch brings, my head falling back against his chest.

“Is this for me?”

Nodding, I find his eyes again in the mirror. “Always.”

He doesn’t smile, but I can see the joy he gets from my response as he circles the nub of pleasure, over and over again. “Good.” And then his fingers are pressing into me, first two and then, after a few strokes, a third that makes me whimper, my legs threatening to give out.

“God, look at you,” he whispers, using his other hand to lift my dress completely above my hips so we can see his movements in the reflection. He groans again at the sight, and I can feel his cock, thick and heavy, pressing against my ass.

I lick my lips, wanting to feel him inside me. But when I try to shift against him, he shakes his head. “This is just for you. A little early Christmas gift.” Then Reid smirks. “But it’s just as much for me as for you, because watching you fall apart is entirely selfish.”

My head falls back as he continues working me over, and when he finds that perfect rhythm of thrusting and rubbing against my swollen clit, I give in, biting my lip to keep from shouting as a wave of white heat rushes through my body.

Once I’ve ridden my orgasm to the end, I slump back, my heart pounding an erratic beat in my chest. Reid slips his handfrom my panties and adjusts my dress, and apart from the flush in my neck and cheeks, nobody would be any the wiser.


My eyes widen at the sound of Junie outside our bedroom door.

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