Page 43 of Her Alien Owner

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Unique feels like a funny way of not saying anything at all. I thank him, and apologize for interrupting his business. He falls back into his work as I leave, heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

Somehow it feels like he answered everything and nothing for me. I don't know what to do with these feelings. Worse, I don't know if he has any at all.



Tragan steps into my office, his expression as unyielding as ever. The man’s efficiency never ceases to impress me. He hands me a data pad, and I scan the information quickly, my eyes narrowing as I digest the details.

“So, Ariana’s father works for Arcturus Mining?” I ask, not looking up from the screen.

“Correct,” Tragan replies. “He’s been with them for over a decade. Despite his experience, they keep him in a low-paying position. The family barely makes ends meet.”

I grunt in displeasure. “Typical of Arcturus. Exploitative bastards.”

Tragan nods in agreement, standing with military precision. “Shall I proceed with the arrangement?”

“Yes,” I say, placing the data pad on my desk and folding my arms. “The man is old and won't be suitable for manual work much longer, if he manages to dodge a workplace injury before then. Offer him a management position here at Valen Enterprises. Full salary, benefits, the works.”

He raises an eyebrow slightly. “A generous offer.”

“It needs to be,” I reply sharply. “This isn’t just about business.”

Tragan’s expression softens just a fraction—a rare occurrence. “Understood.” He taps a few commands into his own device. “Consider it done.”

I lean back in my chair, staring out the window at the sprawling estate below. Ariana’s presence here has complicated things more than I anticipated, but this gesture... it should help her see how much she means to me.

“Make sure it’s handled discreetly,” I add, turning back to him. “She doesn’t need to know yet.”

“Of course,” Tragan says, his tone efficient once more. He hesitates for a moment before continuing. “Valen... if I may?”

I nod for him to continue.

“You’ve never gone to such lengths for anyone before.” His eyes meet mine briefly before he looks away, clearly uncomfortable with prying into personal matters.

I give a short, humorless laugh. “Ariana is... different.” The words feel inadequate but they’re all I can manage without revealing too much.

“She must be,” he says simply.

As Tragan leaves the room, I feel a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety tightening in my chest. This move is risky—both professionally and personally—but necessary. Ariana needs to understand that she isn’t just another employee or passing interest to me.

No, she’s much more than that.

The decision feels right as I mull it over once more. If this doesn’t show her how much she matters to me, nothing will.

Scrolling through the data pad more, I feel secure in this decision. The man is intelligent; he's written articles about mining practices and how to make them more sustainable without sacrificing profits. Yet his bosses seem intent on keeping his mouth shut. I can take advantage of that, and strike a demoralizing blow to my competition.

I pour myself a glass of rye liquor, satisfied that I can turn anything in my life into a business advantage.

Two days later, Ariana walks into my study. Her eyes are shadowed with worry, her steps hesitant. I rise from my chair, always happy to greet her.

“Valen,” she begins, her voice tight. “I just had lunch with my parents.”

“Good,” I say, stepping closer. “I assume your father shared the news?”

She nods, but there’s no relief in her expression. Only tension. “Yes, he did.”

I tilt my head, confused by her reaction. “And? It’s a good position. He deserves it.”

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