Page 35 of Her Alien Owner

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I quicken my pace, the estate's gardens blurring past in shades of green and gold. Memories of harsher times flicker in my mind: battles fought and won, enemies crushed beneath my heel. Thornhill is just another adversary to be dealt with.

Reaching a secluded bench by the fish pond, I sit down heavily, elbows resting on my knees. The water ripples as colorful fish glide beneath the surface—a calming sight that does little to soothe my turbulent thoughts.

The path forward is clear: First, dismantle Thornhill’s dirty deal piece by piece using every contact and resource at my disposal. Second, win back Ariana’s trust and show her she means more to me than just another employee.

A movement catches my eye—Tragan approaches cautiously but doesn’t speak until he’s closer.

"Taking a breather?" he asks.

"More like plotting Thornhill’s downfall," I reply with a wry smile.

He chuckles softly. "Sounds like you."

I nod, appreciating his presence more than words can convey. "Also... I need to fix things with Ariana."

Tragan raises an eyebrow but says nothing, letting me continue.

"I hurt her today," I admit quietly. "And not just today—I've been so wrapped up in this mess that I haven’t been fair to her."

He studies me for a moment before speaking. "You know what you need to do then."

"I do," I say firmly. "And it starts now."

Standing up, I give Tragan a nod before heading back towards the estate with renewed purpose. Thornhill can wait; Ariana cannot.



Nightmares, tangled and dark, haunt me as I stir in my narrow bed. Kevin’s shadow lurks in every corner, while Valen stands cold and distant, a fortress of unreadable intentions. I wake up with a start, drenched in sweat and tangled in sheets that feel like shackles.

Exhaustion clings to me as I get dressed, the mirror reflecting the circles under my eyes and the uncertainty etched on my face. The tiny room feels even smaller today, the reality of bills and worries pressing in.

"I can't go back to that," I mutter, shaking off the remnants of sleep as I pull my dress over my head. "No slums. AndI can't go back to my parents. I can't be a burden on them."

The walk to the main office is uneventful but feels like trudging through quicksand. Every step is an effort, but I force myself onward. When I arrive, the estate's grandeur does little to lift my spirits today.

I receive my task list and head straight to the kitchen where Mrs. Tamsin is already bustling about.

“Morning,” she greets without looking up from her chopping.

“Morning,” I reply, grabbing an apron.

“Rough night?”

“You could say that.”

She glances at me then, her eyes sharp despite her age. “Focus on your duties. It’ll help.”

I nod, grateful for her practical advice. No time for distractions. Not today.

As I move about the kitchen, cleaning and organizing, snippets of conversation float in from the dining hall.

“...Valen’s business dealings are getting complicated...”

“...heard he had a confrontation with someone last night...”

I try to block it out, focusing on scrubbing pots until they shine.

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