Page 19 of Her Alien Owner

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Settling into my chair, I tap a sequence on the holo-screen. The administrative data for Armstrong's mining operation unfurls before me. Personnel files flicker to life, displaying names, ranks, and areas of expertise.

“Let’s see who’s worth their salt,” I mutter, scrolling through profiles.

The security experts' dossiers catch my eye. Each one a seasoned professional tasked with keeping the mines secure from thieves and saboteurs. But now, their expertise will serve a more personal purpose.

I zero in on two names: Darius Kellen and Selene Voss. Both have extensive backgrounds in discreet operations and personal protection. Their records are spotless, their capabilities beyond question.

“Perfect,” I say under my breath.

I hit the comm button, connecting to the security director. His face appears on the screen almost immediately.

“Yes, sir?”

“I need Darius Kellen and Selene Voss reassigned,” I begin, leaning forward. “Effective immediately.”

The man raises an eyebrow but says nothing, waiting for further instructions.

“They’ll be handling the personal security for a member of my staff whenever she leaves the estate,” I continue. “Discreetly. I don’t want her feeling like she’s under constant surveillance.”

“Understood. Anything specific you want them briefed on?”

“Just make sure they know this isn’t up for discussion,” I reply curtly. “And remind them of the consequences should they fail.”

“Consider it done,” he says with a slight incline of his head before the screen goes dark.

I lean back in my chair, fingers steepled under my chin. The thought of anyone harming Ariana ignites a protective fire within me—a fire that demands action.

My eyes drift to a photograph on my desk—an image of Armstrong before the war ravaged it. The vibrant landscape is now reduced to ruins. It's a reminder of why I came here, even if my current motivations have somewhat evolved.

I stride through the corridors of the estate, my boots echoing off the polished marble floors. The soft hum of the automated lights switching on in my wake provides a familiar, almost comforting backdrop. As I approach the dining hall, I catch sight of Ariana arranging the table settings with meticulous care. Her movements are calm and composed, belying the turmoil I know she faced earlier.

She looks up as I enter, offering a smile that sends a wave of relief washing over me. Her warm brown eyes meet mine, and for a moment, the tension in my chest eases.

“Do you have everything you need for tonight’s preparations?” I ask, keeping my tone casual. I lean against the doorway, arms crossed, watching her closely.

Ariana nods, her smile widening just a fraction. “Yes, everything’s in order.”

“Good,” I reply, unable to stop a small smile from tugging at my lips. “Let me know if you run into any issues.”

She laughs softly, shaking her head. “I’m sure I’ll manage just fine. But thanks for asking.”

Her confidence soothes the last remnants of my anger. I push off from the doorway and walk further into the room, pretending to inspect the arrangements but really just wanting to be closer to her.

“You’ve done well here,” I say, picking up one of the crystal glasses and examining it under the light.

“Thank you,” she replies, a hint of pride in her voice. “I’ve had good teachers.”

I raise an eyebrow at that. “Modesty doesn’t suit you. Take some credit.”

She laughs again, this time more freely. “Alright then, thank you for noticing my hard work.”

“There’s that confidence,” I say with a smirk.

She blushes slightly and turns back to her task, but not before giving me another grateful look.

I linger for a moment longer than necessary, enjoying the rare sense of peace her presence brings. When she’s focused on setting out the cutlery with precise care, I take my leave.

As I walk away, a sense of calm settles over me. Knowing Ariana is safe and composed is enough to quell the storm inside me for now.

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