Page 7 of Christmas Tempest

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Dex grinned self-consciously. “Slipped and bumped into your car just now. I’m fine.” He swiped at the blood, making light of the injury.

“What about the truck driver?”

“He’s a bit shaken and upset about his truck and the load, but things like this happen, especially in this kind of weather. He’s calling for assistance now. Sit tight. It shouldn’t be too long. Do you have everything you need?”

“We’re just fine, young man. And thanks for checking.”

With the highway blocked by the various logs strewn in every direction, the decision to continue driving had been taken out of his hands.

For the rest of the uncomfortable night, Dex and the truck driver settled into his vehicle. Once the other man startedsnoring, Dex sat wide awake, adrenalin working overtime, metaphorically rethinking the past few hours.

Disparaging opinions about his stupidity for not checking on Pretty Girl took root in his head. He should have made sure she was safe. Calling himself every name in the book, his worry wouldn’t stop. Finally, he drifted off, only to be woken in the early morning hours by the folks coming to their rescue.

Once they were finally allowed to continue driving, he again started in the direction of Carlton Grove to find his poor dog. As soon as daylight filtered through the darkness, he could see just how much snow had fallen and concerns about his Pretty Girl resurfaced. He prayed that Barney had been able to talk her into his store where she’d be safe. Though he’d tried to call again, there was no answer… obviously Barney had gone home to his lady.

Thankful for the highway’s conditions being maintained, nonetheless, he noticed fewer and fewer vehicles traveling. The snow had worsened, and though the winds had been hazardous before, they’d gained strength and were fiercer.

Finally, he reached the turnoff. On this road, the flakes differed from the thin sleet-like shapes he’d witnessed the night before. Now plumper, they were rapidly building. Not surprised to see how circumstances had deteriorated, it still shocked him that many others had pulled over rather than continue. Relieved that he drove a vehicle with bigger tires and four-wheel drive, he hesitated, but didn’t stop.

If he had a braincell left, he’d do what others had chosen and wait things out. But every time he thought about pulling over, he saw his Pretty Girl all alone, waiting for him.

Once he arrived at the convenience store, he spent some time fighting his way around the grounds, calling for his dog. Seeing a building totally shut down and a vacant lot, he had to accept thatthe dog was nowhere to be found. Again, he called Barney, this time getting through.

“Got home just before dark, Dex. I saw your dog in the distance on my way back to Carlton Grove. Tried to talk her into the car, but she ignored me.”

“Thanks, Barney. I’m on my way there now.”

Never experiencing survival in the wilderness, Dex worried that Pretty Girl would be terrified.Son of a…. grrr!

Feeling terrible about the wasted time, he had no choice. He needed to get back there and find her.

Driving carefully, putting his vehicle into the proper gear for the conditions, the miles passed slowly. He drank the hot coffee the volunteers had filled his thermos with and rubbed at his reddened, irritated eyes. Not having enough sleep made him jumpy and prone to feeling stiff. First, he exercised his hands. Then stretched his back and rolled his head to give his neck a workout.

Checking the roadside, he realized he hadn’t seen another vehicle for quite some time and began to feel alone in the world of whiteness. The road had at least a foot of snow and still building. Massaging his forehead, trying to fight off the budding headache, he didn’t see the wall of white in front of him. Not until he crashed into it and his airbag exploded.

Jolts of panic slithered over his body. As his vehicle slid into the ditch, his mind exploded.

What the hell just happened?

Chapter Six

Gently, Jasmin massaged the white beauty everywhere, trying to find out where her injuries were the worst. Every time she touched her left side, the dog whimpered but when she reached the hind quarter, that’s when her cries let Jasmin know she’d found the critical area.

Worried, yet knowing this weather prevented them from moving a lot, Jasmin began to haul out the Christmas presents she’d so carefully wrapped in fancy paper and bows. Searching for her dad’s gifts first, she pulled out the salami and smoked salmon and broke off pieces of each to feed to her furry companion.

Daintily, the big dog took the pieces offered and wolfed them down, searching for the next offering.

“Why, you’re a little glutton aren’t you? How long has it been since you’ve eaten?”

Staring into the soulful brown eyes and seeing the panting grins known to that particular breed, Jasmin couldn’t help butchuckle. “You’re a princess, aren’t you? Such a pretty girl.” It surprised her how positively the dog reacted to those words and figured her owner must use them a lot. Having grown up with animals, both cats and dogs, Jasmin knew that familiar words most often produced a reaction.

Once she’d fed her passenger, she added a few cookies to the fish and meat as a treat, she opened the bottle of wine and began enjoying her own meal. As darkness fell, she made up her mind that rather than sit alone in the front of the cold car, she’d prefer to rest snuggled next to the warmth of the big animal’s furry coat. So, after warming the car for the last time, she slipped under the rest of the quilt cuddling close, shut off her flashlight, and dozed.

Other than the one time she woke to relieve herself, shivering from the freezing temperatures, and rushing back inside to rewarm the interior, the hours passed by with no letup from the snowfall.

Toward morning, she helped the poor animal to slide down the makeshift ramp, only to see that the buildup reached above her floorboards. Since the snow came up past her knees now, she knew the dog would have trouble walking in the massive piles.

Clearing a small patch near the car with her hands, she then stomped the snow down so the dog wouldn’t sink in and be unable to move. Carrying her as much as possible, she let her friend hobble around the small clearing to perform her duty. Once she appeared finished, Jasmin struggled to bring her back inside.

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