Page 28 of Christmas Tempest

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Jasmin’s smile held the world of sadness for her young friend. “It’s my favorite meal. Do you like it?”

“Mm hmm. I do. But we didn’t eat it often. Only when Sara bought it for a special dinner when Mom and Dad were coming home from a trip. Sometimes she’d cook them a big meal, and I’d get to help. We’d make fancy potatoes too.”

“You mean scallop potatoes?”

“Yes. That’s what they’re called.”

“How about one day you, me, and Dex check out a recipe for them and make them ourselves. Would you like that?”

“Guess so. But it wouldn’t be the same as Sara’s. Her’s were the best. That’s what my daddy always said.” Before Jasmin could answer, he pulled away, wiping tears from his cheeks.

“I’m sorry you’re sad, Dillon. But it’s okay to miss them.”

“No. It’s wrong. Granny says they ain’t coming home cause they’re dead, and I need to face it like a man.” His tone sounded like that of a mean old lady, and it broke Jasmin’s heart. How could that silly old fool take away the boy’s right to grieve over his mommy and daddy?

“Honey, I’m afraid your granny’s full of – of bad advice, and she’s – well,she’svery wrong.” Jasmin’s fury sounded in her voice.

The boy saw her face, and his brightened. He nodded slowly, and then his eyes cleared when a new thought took hold. “But Sara’s not dead, so I can still miss her.”

“Oh, Dillon, of course you can. Look, we’ll visit with your Sara a lot, okay? You’ll get to spend time with her, I promise.”

“Can we? She loves me. She’s lonely. I saw it. I want to buy her a present, only I haven’t got any money.”

“Well, I do. Let’s go shopping for her later. But first, I need to ask… what doyouwant for Christmas?”

He thought and spoke shyly. “Just Sara.”

Jasmin nodded and a thought came to her. “Will a phone call tomorrow after you open her gifts help? I promise, you can talk with her for as long as you want.”

Dillon’s face lit up and smiles made the tears disappear magically. “Yeah. Yeah, it would.”

Chapter Twenty-two

Dex and Jasmin cuddled together that night after the house cleared, and the others were in their beds.

“You took Dillon shopping earlier.” Dex played with her hair as he opened the discussion.

“Yes, he wanted to buy Sara a present. He misses her terribly.” Describing their conversation, she told Dex about how sad the boy had been and how angry his words about his granny had made her.

“Foolish old woman. She’s done more to harm that child in a month than one could imagine. Well, her influence is gone now, and I’ll never let her near him again without me being present.”

“Good. Because it would be really difficult for me not to smack her a good one when she talks such dribble.” Her fierce expression made him laugh.

“I truly hope you never get that mad at me. You’re scary.”

Sheepishly, Jasmin admitted, “Well I probably wouldn’t hit her, but I’d sure as hell want to.”

“Atta girl.” Dex hugged her tight. “I can’t tell you how much it means to see you take to Dillon the way you have. Seriously, if we’re to ever have any future at all, this would be the only deal breaker.”

“That’ll never be a worry. I love the boy. He’s so vulnerable and yet strong. His parents did an amazing job raising him.”

Dex hesitated before admitting softly. “As much as my brother and his wife loved their son, it was Sara who raised him. We have her to thank for him being the way he is.”

Suddenly, she watched his inner battle end with a warm smile. Over the next few minutes, he told her his secret, and she fell deeper in love, her kisses showing him her true feelings,

It was a few hours later after a lot more kissing and cuddling, yet stopping before things went too far, that they finally parted at their rooms. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” his voiced was filled with gentleness.

“Merry Christmas, Dex. It’s going to be the best one ever.”

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