Page 25 of Christmas Tempest

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In a few minutes, they had everything hauled to the SUV and with Dex helping as much as he could, Jasmin stored the boxes in the trunk area, leaving the back seats with enough room for a boy and a dog.

When they were both back in the SUV ready to leave, Jasmin scanned the window to see a face peeking out. She waved, and her response was the curtain being rudely flung back into place. The words ‘poor, silly old woman’ popped into her head before she forced the thought away.

She turned Dex’s way and could tell by the annoyance in his expression that he’d been aware of Margot’s rejection too. His next words let her know his position on the subject. “We’re finished here.” He reached over to place a kiss on her lips, and moments later, after her response triggered them both, he groaned, then in a husky voice suggested, “Let’s pick up Dillon and hit the road.”

Chapter Nineteen

When Margot made it so clear that she wanted nothing more to do with them, Dex couldn’t help thinking about Dillon’s legacy as far as his relatives were concerned. There was only him on Max’s side and Grandmother Margot on Doreen’s side. Other relatives were distant and lost to them. The lack of people had always been a matter of worry for Dillon’s parents who’d have liked for the boy to be surrounded by a large family.

Once Dillon celebrated his first birthday, things changed in the family. Doreen began missing work terribly; hating being left alone while Max was away on an assignment with the newspaper. That’s when their relationship became strained, and the fights bitter. And it’s about that time Dex showed up for a visit and heard the despair in his brother’s worry.

Recently, Dex had worked with another lawyer who’d told him about the nanny his wife had hired and how much easier life had become. So… he passed that idea on to Max and when he’d shared the thought with Doreen, she’d loved it. They both agreedthat having another adult in Dillon’s world to surround him with affection could only be a good thing.

Finding Sara and having her move into their home… well, they both admitted to Dex that they’d made the best possible decision. Life in the Max Hall home had become a happy place again.

Now both parents could work and not feel as if they’d abandoned their child. In fact, every time Dex visited, he himself had become enamored with the nanny to the point where he’d look forward to the midnight snacks they often enjoyed while the rest of the house slept.

The first time it had happened, he’d felt sheepish being caught with his head in the refrigerator… until she reached past him for the milk and offered to make him a cup of the best hot chocolate he’d ever tasted.

“I have some cookies we can gorge on too, ones I’ve hidden so they don’t all get eaten the first day. Can’t keep a sweet in this place unless I dole them out little by little.”

Dex remembered grinning along with her and swearing, “If you share, you can trust me.”

“Oh, it’s like that, is it? Bribery.”

“Is it working?”

“Of course, my lad.” She’d brought out a bucket filled with a various assortment of cookies, and they’d spent a good hour drinking the best hot chocolate he’d ever tasted, munching cookies, and chatting about everything. The woman had been easy to talk to and had made a lot of sense on many of the issues they covered… good ole common sense actually.

He remembered going back to bed in such a good mood, that he’d fallen into a deep sleep to be awakened by laughter and heavenly smells.

No wonder Dillon loved her so much. Good vibes surrounded that woman, and great cooking. She would be sorely missed.

Chapter Twenty

Jasmin might be apt to grumble about her parents suffocating her sometimes but if she were to admit the truth, she loved it. Loved them.

When she finally pulled the car into their driveway late in the afternoon, she breathed a huge sign of relief that they’d made the trip without any further problems.

The snow clearing crew had obviously been working on the highways and by the time they’d pulled up to where Dex’s car sat, still covered in mounds of snow, they grinned at each other. Silently, they passed the message of how glad they were having been involved in the situation they’d found themselves in. He’d reached for her hand, and she’d gladly clung to his, smiling when he’d lifted them to his lips and kissed her palm.

They grinned at each other when they listened to Dillon whispering to Pretty Girl and her whining every so often as if encouraging him to continue. Not wanting to interfere with the budding romance, they didn’t interrupt.

Often, Dillon shot remarks to Dex about the area, and his questions included how much further a few times.

Continuing on their way, they finally pulled into her parent’s driveway just as the darkness began to get serious. Thankful, they noticed that her father had made sure all the festive lights were glowing. The house looked wonderful; signs of Christmas were everywhere. And the two smiling faces in the window said it all.

Before they could climb out of the car, her mother, wearing only boots and a sweater, arrived with her arms wide and hugs for all. “Come inside where it’s warm. Hello Dillon, we’re so happy Dex decided to bring you here to stay with us. My husband and I are thrilled to have a house full for the holidays.”

By the time everyone had been hugged and welcomed, they stomped the snow from their feet and piled into the front hall to be greeted by a lovely huge fire and the fragrant smells of a ham cooking in the kitchen.

Jasmin remembered the many times where this happened in her youth and could see that shyness held Dex and Dillon back somewhat. That is until Pretty Girl barked to come in after taking time outside for her nature call. When her father opened the door and greeted the animal with so much enthusiasm, everyone seemed to relax. “Hey, puppy, you want to come inside where it’s warm? Good girl.” Lester had rubbed her ears, hugging her furry body to his legs, and then stood aside for her to enter, letting everyone know the dog was also a welcomed guest.

Whispering, Jasmin said to Dex, “We recently lost our family dog – a big golden lab. He died from old age, and Dad’s having a hard time getting over it. He and Gizmo spent a lot of time together. He loves animals.”

Before he could answer, her mother rushed to take jackets and ushered everyone into the warmth of the living room wherea giant tree filled with ornaments and lights glowed in front of the bay window. “Please come in and make yourselves at home.” Staring first at Dillon and then Dex, she reiterated, “I mean that. Make yourselves at home. Dillon, have you been to Carlton Grove before with your mom and dad?”

A hush fell over everyone, but her mom ignored it and smiled at the boy, showing him she expected an answer. As if everything were normal, he replied. “Not yet. We were supposed to visit Uncle Dex this Christmas before the accident.”

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