Page 11 of Christmas Tempest

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Pretty Girl barked her approval and settled once more to resting. Enjoying the heat from the vents blasting through the coldness, Jasmin took off her down-filled parka and madeherself comfy, folding up the garment so that Dex’s foot could rest on the softness, lifting it up as high as possible.

“Tell me about Dillon. What are your plans for the boy? Do you have enough battery charge in your phone now to show me his picture?”

Dex opened his cell and was surprised to see his battery had charged thirty-six percent already. Quickly, he showed her his latest photos of a happy, small-boned boy with his uncle’s natural-curly brown hair.

“He looks happy. And so much like you, he could be your son.”

“I know. My brother Max and I were twins, so it’s not surprising.”

“Tell me more.”

“You really want to know?”

“Of course. He’s a sweetie and doesn’t deserve his bad luck in grandmothers. I’m thrilled for him that you and Pretty Girl have adopted him.”

Dex stared at her without speaking. His warm gaze roamed her face until she broke away. “What?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you. It’s as if you understand why I there’s no choice about my nephew coming to live with me.”

“Of course I do. But I sense an issue. Does your wife feel differently?”

Chapter Eight

Jasmin felt herself sinking into his warm gaze. Letting go of her usual restraints, wanting to experience the rioting emotions and not curb them, she waited for her normal shyness to kick in. When it didn’t, she brought up the one issue they hadn’t mentioned. The fact that he could be a married man who’d chosen not to wear a wedding ring.

“Not married. Truthfully, I’m not even seeing anyone right now. My last girlfriend flew the coop when I told her I was adopting an eight-year-old boy. Not only did she drop me so fast I got whiplash… she quit her job, leaving me short-handed. I swear, I’m never getting involved with another female who I employ. Ain’t worth the hassle of not only a broken heart, but also being short-staffed.

Jasmin had to grin at his way of stating the last bit. “Poor baby, she broke your heart. You don’t look too heartbroken.”

He grinned cheekily and held his chest.

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes at his nonsense, she added, “I’d say good riddance to an obvious future divorce. Can’t imagine anyone being so harsh about a grieving little boy.”

“I know.” Dex agreed with her words. “Thankfully, my feelings were never that deep for Rachel; we were just getting to know each other.”

“Okay. If you say so. I’m glad you weren’t too hurt.”

“I didn’t say that.” Dex stared at her again before speaking. His eyes saying much more than his words. “I thought she was a nice person, one who cared about others. See… it’s been bothering me about how wrong I could be in my judgement. Makes me wonder if my people skills are slipping.”

“Could it be that you were trapped in a busy time and just relied on her to be what you… ahh, you needed her to be? I know it’s happened to me before… expecting folks to react a certain way and then shocked when they didn’t. From what you’ve said, your business kept you busy, you were fighting to adopt your nephew and maybe you were taking her for granted.”

“Okay, maybe a little. But we talked about the situation, and she gaslit me into thinking she would be up for anything until it became clear that I could win custody. Then suddenly, she turned into someone I never knew.”

This time, Jasmin sensed his seriousness. Leaning back; her gaze fixed on his, she opened up. “I get that. My last boss – a woman so nasty that she had me questioning everything about myself – was the last straw. My morals, my work ethics, even my self-confidence took a huge hit until I finally couldn’t take her spitefulness anymore.”

“What did you do?’

“I quit. Being a single person, the decision came easy. I only had myself to worry about. So, I decided to head back to Carlton Grove. I grew up there and between you and me, before college, Icouldn’t wait to leave. Go to the city, get the grades, land a great job… you know, be somebody.”

“And did you?”

“Sure. Built a cushy career, worked my way up the corporate ladder, and then they hired HER. How the mighty have fallen. It didn’t take me long to realize I had an apartment I couldn’t call a home, a job I now hated, and a future that appeared dull and sad. I remembered that the last time I’d felt good about myself had been at home in the Grove where my parents still live. Since they’re always begging me to visit, you can’t imagine their joy when I told them I’d be there in time for Christmas and would be staying.”

The coziness of the vehicle closing in around them surprised Jasmin into a pleasant thought…this is the best time I’ve had in years. Just sitting here and spilling out my heart to a virtual stranger.

Not wanting to hog the discussion, she reached out her hand and passed him some of her cookie stash. “Tell me more about yourself.”

While he chewed and moaned his liking for the taste of the expensive shortbread, he hummed. “Hmm. Let me see. Where do I start? Well, Ididn’tgrow up in Carlton Grove. In fact, I have the opposite story because I grew up in Seattle and hated city life. Always wanted to live in small town America.”

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