Page 9 of Deep in Desire

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Cameron’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Ha! Ha! Really? That’s great, Deborah. Who’s the lucky person? Funnily enough, I met someone too!”

Deborah hesitated, her mind racing for a suitable response. “It’s… it’s complicated. I’m not sure where it’s heading. And Cam? You meet someone every five minutes, so it doesn’t count.”

Harper jumped in. “She’s right, Cam. None of us can keep up with your hook-ups. But Deb… this is major! You’ve been chatting with us for hours, and you say nothing. Cam walks in and coaxes it out of you in under thirty seconds. Is it… someone we know?”

Deborah gulped, torn between honesty and the fear of revealing too much. “Not exactly,” she said, her gaze flickering towards Cameron.

Cameron studied her with a puzzled look. “No, it won’t be anyone we know. Who’s new at the Indigo? These things have a way of working themselves out. I can’t think of anyone new… Wait! What about that Molly kid? Esme’s daughter. I heard she’s gay. But no—she’s out of your league, and maybe too young, even for you.”

“Err… thanks!” laughed Deborah.

“I didn’t mean it personally. She’s out of everyone’s league. I gave her the eye big time the day after the wedding, and she totally snubbed me. I think she’s a bit stuck up.”

“Who? Holly?” asked Mia in surprise. “Get outta here. She’s lovely.”

“Molly, Holly, whatever,” sniffed Cameron inmock disgust. “More fool her if she didn’t want a bit ofCameron action!”

Deborah nodded silently and smiled, grateful that everyone’s attention had been taken from her. But what Cameron’s intervention had managed to do was force her to realize that she couldn’t keep avoiding the inevitable conversation with Holly—or herself.

Harper squeezed her hand reassuringly. “We’re here for you, Deb. You’ll tell us when you’re ready. No pressure.”

“Thanks. I’ve got to head home now,” Deborah murmured, touched by their unwavering support.

“I’m staying to party some,” declared Cameron, falling onto the sofa before picking up an empty wine bottle and shaking it hopefully.

Deborah made her way out of the building and hailed a cab. As she sank into the back seat, her thoughts flew around her head in a tumultuous whirlwind. She couldn’t deny the pull she felt towards Holly. It was a magnetic force that defied reason and logic.

Closing her eyes, Deborah allowed herself a moment of vulnerability. She had to face up to the truth. Holly had awakened something within—a desire she hadn’t felt in years. And as much as shetried to resist, she knew deep down that she couldn’t ignore it any longer.

But with that attraction came guilt. She had spent countless nights wrestling with her conscience, questioning her desires and their implications for her carefully constructed life.

The streets and buildings outside her faded into the blur as Deborah’s mind replayed their conversations, the stolen glances filled with unspoken longing. Holly’s free-spirited nature was such a stark contrast to Deborah’s concise and structured world, and yet, that contrast seemed to fuel her desire.

But the anxiety was starting to be too much for her. She couldn’t deny the repercussions of pursuing something more with Holly. What would her friends think? How wouldEsmefeel about it? What about her career? The tabloids would love to learn that the CEO of WebFlix was a cradle-snatcher!

Deborah sighed, a heavy weight settling in her chest. She knew she couldn’t keep hiding forever, avoiding the truth that beckoned from the depths of her heart. The time had come to confront her feelings—to face Holly and, more importantly, herself.

As she walked into her apartment, she shivered. She paced around the living room, the weight of her decision causing her to pant. With trembling fingers, she dialed Holly’s number, her heart thudding.


The sound of Holly’s voice sent a shiver down Deborah’s spine. “It’s me.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line. “Deborah? How did you get my number?”

“Your mom was talking to me about getting you an internship, so I took your number. I hope you don’t mind,” Deborah explained, taking a deep breath, her voice surprisingly steady.

“Oh, so you’re calling me in the middle of the night about an internship that I have no intention of taking.”

“No! I’ve been… thinking about you. Would you like to meet up sometime? I want to see you”

Holly’s response was immediate, her enthusiasm evident in her voice. “Oh, thank God! Absolutely! I’d love to see you, Deborah. How about tomorrow? There’s this little cafe I’ve been wanting to try.”

Relief flooded through Deborah’s veins. “Tomorrow sounds perfect,” she responded,consciously ignoring the fact she had back-to-back meetings all day. “What time?”

They agreed on a time and place, and as Deborah hung up the phone, a wave of uncertainty washed over her. Would meeting Holly only complicate matters further? Or would it provide the clarity she desperately sought?

Deborah sat in the café the following morning with a sense of anticipation that bordered on nervousness. She chose a secluded corner table where she could observe her fellow coffee enthusiasts without feeling too exposed.

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