Page 2 of Deep in Desire

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“Your what now?” asked Nora with a raised eyebrow.

“She means overalls. She never says it right. Her grandmother was Scottish or something,” Deborah explained with a chuckle.

“Welsh,” Esme corrected with a mock-serious expression. “Anddungareesis a perfectly good word.”

“You always look incredible in yourdungarees. And out of them,” whispered Nora, leaning closer to her bride.

Deborah had known Esme for many years and seeing her friend so happy filled her with warmth. As Nora stood next to Esme, their hands intertwined in a gesture that spoke volumes of their deep bond, their love was palpable in the way they looked at each other.

“She’s right, Esme.”

“You mean you’ve seen my wife naked?” Nora teased playfully, her words, as sarcastic as they were, still filled with affection for Esme.

“Absolutely not! But you look breathtaking,” Deborah said with genuine admiration. “Vera Wang totally outdid herself.”

Nora flashed Deborah a warm smile. “Oh, thank you, Debbie. That means so much coming from you.”

“I swear I don’t think I could be happier than seeing the both of you like this,” Deborah continued as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “Congratulations on your beautiful day. And on what you’ve done to the bar! Wow! I didn’t think this place could get any better and then you guys go ahead and prove me wrong.”

Esme beamed. “We’re over the moon with it.”

“Speaking of moons… and honeys… where are you two off to for your honeymoon?” Deborah asked, eager to hear about what was, knowing Nora, bound to be an extravagant plan.

Nora shook her head and giggled softly. “We’re still in the decision-making stage. I’m hoping for somewhere secluded and tropical, but I need to drag this one away from this place first.”

“It sounds perfect, Es. You should go for it. This place can look after itself,” Deborah replied, rolling her eyes at her old college buddy. “You deserve a break.”

“Sasha will take care of things, darling. Even Mia said she could step in and tend bar while you’re away. Come on… we got this,” said Nora in an almost pleading tone.

“Mia can’t work the bar. She’s trying to write her album. I can’t ask it of her.”

Deborah decided to step in and help Nora, with the full knowledge that Esme was the heart and soul of the Indigo Lounge and had probably not taken a holiday since she opened the place. “You’ve got a gazillion friends who’ll make sure everything runs smoothly,” she said, placing a comforting hand on Esme’s shoulder.

As the evening progressed, Deborah mingled effortlessly, exchanging pleasantries with new friends and catching up on Indigo gossip with oldones. She had just managed to extricate herself from a far-too-in-depth conversation with Ruby about some hipster art exhibition down by the Amtrak station when she felt a presence just behind her—a presence that felt as though it were drawing her attention like a magnet and forcing her to look over her shoulder.

Deborah slowly spun around and found herself face-to-face with one of the most stunning women she’d ever seen. Her tousled chestnut hair and the sun-kissed freckles scattered across her nose were nothing short of mesmerizing.

The stranger’s eyes, a deep shade of blue framed by naturally thick lashes, met Deborah’s with interest. Deborah knew immediately that she was being drawn to this mysterious girl who commanded her attention so effortlessly.

Well, what do we have here? You’re a little puzzle to be solved, aren’t you?

Deborah hesitated for a second. What could she say to this girl? The age difference was obvious, but the younger woman, with her confident smile and perfect posture, gave Deborah a knowing smile. Why was there something so familiar about her? Where had Deborah seen this wild beauty before?

“Have we met?” Deborah blurted out with little elegance, furious with herself at not having been able to come up with something better than a corny pick-up line.

“I find a ‘hello’ usually helps,” the stranger said in a melodic and playful tone.

Deborah laughed, her curiosity growing by the second. “Yes! Hello!” she replied, almost shouting as she offered an outstretched hand. “I’m Deborah.”

The younger woman’s handshake was firm but gentle and reassuring. “Right! Deborah!” she said with a slight nod. “I’m Holly.”

“Are you a friend of Nora’s?” Deborah asked, wondering how Holly had escaped her notice throughout the entire wedding celebrations.

Holly seemed to smirk ever so slightly. “Let’s just say I’m a big fan of weddings,” she replied enigmatically.

“I’ve got it! You’re the wedding planner!”

“Not exactly…” Holly laughed.

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